Electrometer Library A library and Tango Devices to control SOLEIL electrometers
Project Context Different BeamLine Users Differents measurements context and intruments types on the Beamlines 2 instruments types : Keithley et Novelec N models per Type: K485, K6514, K617, …. Previous policy : One device per instrument It is difficult to factorize : the code Tango Interfaces Important development charge : Several developers ? Difficult overall coherence Goal of the project One code for all electrometers Build a unique library for all intruments control
Software architecture Device Keithley Device Novelec No « intelligent » code (just glue to TANGO bus) Electrometers.lib All code here
Electrometer library : Functional contents Many models integrated in the library: 485, 486, 487, 617, … MCCE-2 : all the five models Many « fonctions de mesures » dependind on the models Picoammeters, voltmeters Summarized here
Design documentation available Status of project Keithley: All models Developped, tested To be tested : K_6485 and K_6487 Novelec : Developped Integration and tests in progress Design documentation available API documented with Doxygen
Pending questions regarding TANGO collaboration Other instituts interested ? Is the code sent to Elettra and ESRF in production ? Code on SourceForge Library internal Architecture should be flexible enough to allow other institutes to add particular models SOLEIL wants to be responsible for the commit
Any comment(s) ?