Public Hearing on: Large Wind Farm Interconnection Moshe Ben-Yair – Head of Engineering PUA 29/11/2016- Eilat Eilot
Interconnection principals (1) Key Step Preliminary planning by IEC to determine MV/HV interconnection.
Interconnection principals(2) If preliminary planning results in HV interconnection requirement: wind farm owner shall order one interconnection assessment and follow existing guidelines (Amot Mida) IEC to build HV lines to connect the farm. Owner to construct and operate: new substation, connection lines between substation and wind farm, connections between wind turbines, turbines.
Interconnection principals(3) If preliminary planning results in MV interconnection requirement: wind farm owner shall order interconnection assessments (as many as needed ) and follow existing guidelines (Amot Mida) IEC to construct HV lines @ new substation (or expanded existing one). IEC to construct new MV lines or utilize existing lines. Wind farm owner to construct lines between turbines and the turbines.
Farm to arrive to existing network Existing 161 KV - HV Line Existing 161 KV - HV Line PCC PCC New Substation WT WT Consumers New MV line New MV line WT WT Collecting Energy WT WT Constructed, Owned and operated by IEC Constructed, Owned and operated by farm owner
Network to arrive to Wind Farm Existing 161 KV - HV Line Existing 161 KV - HV Line Existing & Extended Substation Consumers WT WT Existing MV lines New MV line PCC PCC WT WT Energy collection New Interconnection lines Energy Collection WT WT To Other Users To Other Users Existing IEC lines New by IEC New constructed by farm owner
Large wind farm Interconnection Farm to Grid Grid to Farm Issues HV MV Voltage Constructed by IEC One line Many lines # of Lines Owner Energy collection lines Issues with right of way IEC Constructing Inteconnection lines Infrastructure Utilization Issues Central planning to be used by other users Substation construction Not applicable Consumer interconnection MV Uniform Tariff
Your opinion is important to us. :Public hearing ends on 8/12/2016
Thank You