OMII evaluation: Preliminary results Current status of T6 OMII evaluation: Preliminary results Current status of T6.2 Subtask: OGSA/Globus evaluation for data intensive applications coordinator: A. Demichev (SINP MSU), V. Pose (JINR), V. Galaktionov (JINR), in collab. with KIAM RAS CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN
Subtask T6.2: OGSA/Globus evaluation for data intensive applications Based on the experience with OGSA/GT3 evaluation in 2003-2004 (T. Chen et al. “OGSA Globus Tolkit Evaluation Activity at CERN”, in Proc. of ACAT03, NIMA 534 (2004) 80) Release of the Globus Toolkit 4 is currently scheduled for April 29, 2005 Therefore: testing/evaluation of other OGSA/WS systems potentially interesting for LCG/EGEE CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN
Subtask T6.2: OGSA/Globus evaluation for data intensive applications (2) Testing of gLite components: Fireman (file + replica) and Metadata catalogs (V.Pose) Workload Management System (V.Galaktionov) IO-server (A.Demichev) The work was carried out in framework of the ARDA Team (partially supported by the INTAS-CERN project) and in close collaboration with EGEE JRA1 Team CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN
Subtask T6.2: OGSA/Globus evaluation for data intensive applications (3): OMII testing/evaluation Testing/evaluation of OMII distribution of grid (WS- based) infrastructure ( is interesting from the point of view of potential use of some its components for future LCG/EGEE MW By now - two milestones of the plan coordinated with ARDA and JRA1: Tests to prove correct installation and basic functionality Performance, scalability and robustness tests CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN
Subtask 6.2: OGSA/Globus evaluation for data intensive applications (4): Tests to prove OMII correct installation Successful: general installation; running test scripts (available in OMII dist.); Tightly bounded to SuSE 9.0 (attempts to install on SuSE 9.2 failed; problems even with SuSE 9.0 updates) Some problems (Tomcat & Postgresql DB mngt; Windows client conf.) were detected and fixed with the help of OMII support service CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN
Subtask 6.2:OGSA/Globus evaluation… (5): Testing the OMII basic functionality Applications must be pre-installed on the (Job Service) server; an execution of programs prepared on client side is impossible. No such core services like RB, IS, RC Management of (grid) accounts is not well scalable, not well suitable for management of large dynamic VOs Clients must be installed for each user separately (e.g., not under root) Failed to deploy a new custom service into the OMII container Report was submitted to JRA1 and OMII Support CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN
Subtask 6.2: OGSA/Globus evaluation for data intensive applications (6): Performance, scalability and robustness tests ( The OMII 1.1.1 Job service was found to be robust in a test with 20 concurrent clients The maximal job submission rate ~ 6 jobs/min no bulk batch mode for job submission --> problem for submitting large number of jobs The Data Service was found to work stable with up to 5 concurrent clients and a file size of up to 10MB (no tests beyond this limits yet). CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN
Subtask T6.2: OGSA/Globus evaluation for data intensive applications (7): Security issues currently not supported: certificates with 4096 bit CA public key (e.g., from Russian CA valid for LCG/EGEE); 2048 bit is supported proxy certificates passwords for the Keystore (used to store the certificates) and for private keys of the certificate are stored as a clear text in a text file. CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN
Subtask T6.2: OGSA/Globus evaluation for data intensive applications (8): Current work and future plans: Further testing OMII MW Studying GT4Beta; Developing/discussing plans for GT4 testing and evaluation Waiting for GT4 release... CERN-INTAS meeting, 14 March 2005, CERN