Hello Aim of the session is to: -Continue strong home school learning links. -Keep you up to date with how you can help children’s learning. -Emphasise the importance of your input -Share helpful documents/policies etc. -Give you opportunity to ask any questions. -Make you feel comfortable / at ease / as though you can talk to use about anything
At home How can you help? See class web page Write star notes – anything that celebrates your child’s development Maths games Reading books Phonics flash cards Bug club Mathletics See class web page For important information
Please no toys.. We have plenty & they may get lost or damaged. Keeping you informed *Termly parent’s evenings and a termly progress report. *Children will be graded on uniform, punctuality, attitude to learning. *Please no earrings, nail varnish, fake tatoos. *Water only in water bottles. *School nurse Please no toys.. We have plenty & they may get lost or damaged.
Helpers Cooking Sticking Allotment Filing Yes please!!! Working with children Cooking Sticking Allotment Filing Yes please!!!
Readers Changed twice a week, heard once individually and guided reading group (once with Mrs B and once with Mrs T) – as far as possible. *Reading champion *If children read 3 times a week they go into the book prize draw (each half term) *Reading for meaning If you would like to change children’s reading books more frequently pop in before or after school.
Letters & Sounds Send book with flashcards & words in each week We will encourage pupils to keep going over all sounds learnt at home to consolidate their knowledge and to help them become really secure with blending and segmenting. **TRICKY WORDS** Every year these prove difficult to learn. (Mrs Todd to give out list) Write them on post its/ flash cards etc – stick them around the house/ toilet doors/ fridge etc! Hi-light when children know them – prize for every 10 they learn? All children will be given BUGCLUB login Here is the sound I have learned this week. A a a The letter name is… (tick if correct) The sound this letter makes is… (tick if correct)
Maths Sent home weekly – learning should be fun! MATHLETICS www.spellodrome.co.uk Sign in and create character and play games. Logins to follow shortly (not ipad compatible )
Grown up’s/ children’s writing Class Bear Photos Grown up’s/ children’s writing Pictures Fridays Tickets
Forest School Mr Driver and Mrs Roworth – mini-bus test end of September Wellies!! We have enough all in one suits. Helpers Day to be discussed with Thurstable
Other bits... School trip – 1 per term The Rainbow PE usually Friday – initially indoor PE – swimming is not until second half of term 3 (Summer term) Notes up on the door & reading morning Friday (8.30am) – feel free to look through books – LEARNING JOURNEY WORK The Rainbow