Rising Professionals Meeting (RPM) January 25, 2017 12:45 PM Media Center
Upcoming Dates Jan. 31st – January work is due Feb. 1st – Job Shadow Day Feb. 22- RPM Feb. 28th – Due Date March 16- Mock Interviews April 13- Employer Appreciation Any activities you must have some documentation: Signed Notes from advisor or teacher, agenda, ticket, etc.
CTSO Activities Component Two CTSO events per Semester What does that include? CANDY Sales Meetings Chick Fil A Six Flags (May not happen)
WBL Activities Component Job Shadow Day Mock Job Interview Employer Appreciation Breakfast
January Assignment Job Shadow Permission Presentation Permission Rubric From presentation Work journal from everyone Tweet from everyone- training plan WRP from this week & tally your hours
February Assignments Job Shadow Reflections Work Journal for 2+ periods Interviewing skills Portfolio Proj Letter of Recommendation Request Letter of Recommendation Job Skills Evaluation
SENIORS Talk Capstone Are you duplicating work?
Two Presentations- same info Students with THREE PERIODS of Work Based Learning should follow the same guidelines as students with one and two periods of WBL, but should also complete an additional presentation of their Career Research Project. This should be evaluated by another teacher and presented to DIFFERENT class of 10th or 11th graders no later than April 28st. The rubric completed by the teacher should be submitted with April’s work.
Emails Are you reading them? Asking Ms. Boyer questions that she’s already answered…in writing.
Next Meeting Reminder Mark your calendars for Feb. 22 meeting 12:45