Romans 12-13.


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Presentation transcript:

Romans 12-13

Series Outline Living Sacrifice, (12:1) A Changed Life, (12:2) Walk According to Your Abilities, (12:3-8) Walk According to Your Calling: In Love, (12:9-10) Fervent in Spirit, (12:11-12) How we interact with Others, ( 12:13-16) Dealing with Vengeance, (12:17- 13:7)

Walk According To Your Calling: Fervent in Spirit Rom 12:11-12, Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; 12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer

Walk According To Your Calling: Fervent in Spirit Not Slothful Idle Slow Sluggish In Business Speed Zeal Diligence Energy of action

Walk According To Your Calling: Fervent in Spirit Not Slothful in Diligence Fervent To bubble or boil Intensity Intense zeal

Walk According To Your Calling: Fervent in Spirit Not Slothful in Diligence Fervent In Spirit Mind or Heart

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Christian life is a race I Cor 9:24 Heb 12:1-5

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Christian life is a race Diligence is commanded Deut 6:5-7 & Mt 22:36-38 Heb 11:6

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Christian life is a race Diligence is commanded For good works Tit 2:14, 3:1, 3:14 Heb 10:23-26

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Christian life is a race Diligence is commanded For good works To grow I Pet 2:1-2 II Pet 1:5-11

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Christian life is a race Diligence is commanded For good works To grow To secure heaven Heb 12:15-16 II Pet 1:10-11, 3:14

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Christian life is a race Diligence is commanded For good works To grow To secure heaven Time is limited Ecc 9:1-10 Eph 5:16 Col 4:5

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Sluggard in Scripture Full of Excuses Prov 20:4 Prove 22:13, 26:13

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Sluggard in Scripture Full of Excuses Without Initiative Prov 13:4 Prov 12:27 Prov 19:24 Ecc 10:18 Prov 6:6-11

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Weariness of slothful life Prov 15:19, is as an hedge of thorns: Prov 12:24, but the slothful shall be under tribute. Prov 19:15, deep sleep; and shall suffer hunger. Prov 26:14-15, As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed. Prov 21:25, The desire of the slothful kill him; for his hands refuse to labor. Prov 19:24, The slothful hides his hand in his bosom; it grieves him to bring it again to his mouth. Prov 16:27-29, Idle mind is devils workshop; very loosely translated. Prov 6:6-11, poverty come as one that travells, and thy want as an armed man

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Sluggard in Scripture Full of Excuses Without Initiative Weariness of slothful life Train wreck Prov 24:30-33 Prov 18:9 Ez 16:48-50

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart Sluggard in Scripture Full of Excuses Without Initiative Weariness of slothful life Train wreck A matter of fellowship Mt 25:14-30 I Thes 4:11-12 II Thes 3:10-12

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart A Balanced Life Not Hysteria Miss-placed passions Eph 4:26, 31

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart A Balanced Life Not Hysteria Miss-placed passions Taking a break Gen 2:2 Jn 6:15

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart A Balanced Life Not Hysteria Miss-placed passions Taking a break Meditation Phil 4:8 I Tim 4:15

Walk According To Your Calling: Not Slothful in Diligence – Fervent in Heart A Focused Life Rejoicing in Hope Patient in Tribulation Persevering in Prayer

Walk According To Your Calling: Fervent in Spirit Need for Fervent Spirit Christian life is a race Diligence is commanded For good works To grow To Secure Heaven Time is limited The Slothful Full of Excuses Without Initiative Weariness of slothful life Train wreck A matter of fellowship A Balanced Life Not Hysteria Miss-placed passions Taking a break Meditation A Focused Life Rejoicing in Hope Patient in Tribulation Persevering in Prayer

Series Outline Living Sacrifice, (12:1) A Changed Life, (12:2) Walk According to Your Abilities, (12:3-8) Walk According to Your Calling: In Love, (12:9-10) Fervent in Spirit, (12:11-12) How we interact with Others, ( 12:13-16) Dealing with Vengeance, (12:17- 13:7)