All congregations will face challenges 1Thes 2:18; 2Cor 11:3; 2Cor 2:11 Heed admonition to "Hold fast" Rev 3:11; 1Cor 15:58
CHALLENGES A CONGREGATION MUST MEET MUST REMEMBER WHAT OUR WORK IS Perfecting the saints (EDIFICATION) Eph 4:11-12; Eph 4:15-16; Heb 10:24-25 Edify body of Christ (EVANGELISM) Eph 4:11,12; 1Thes 1:8 Minister to needy saints (BENEVOLENCE) Eph 4:11,12; 1Cor 16:1-2 Work of local church goes far beyond providing a place for worship
CHALLENGES A CONGREGATION MUST MEET WE MUST LIVE ABOVE PETTINESS Good churches can be hindered by pettiness Phil 4:2-3 Must keep a proper sense of proportion Phil 2:1-5 Sad to have congregation hindered by such Must never allow pettiness to so affect us
CHALLENGES A CONGREGATION MUST MEET MAINTAIN GRATITUDE FOR BLESSINGS As individuals we have much for which to be thankful As congregation we have much for which to be thankful Should be noted for our "attitude of gratitude" Col 1:12; 2:7; 3:15,17; 4:2; Rom 1:21-24; 2Tim 3:1-5
CHALLENGES A CONGREGATION MUST MEET Many other challenges congregations face such as: persecution, natural calamities that may devastate community But in most cases, even those challenges can be met and overcome if we will: Remember what our work is Live above pettiness Maintain gratitude for our blessings
CHALLENGES A CONGREGATION MUST MEET With a will to do what the Lord desires of us, and with the "attitude of gratitude" lifting us above any sense of pettiness that might drag us down, let us do our part to answer the prayer of Paul Eph 3:21