Nguyen, An T. , D. Menemenlis, R


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Presentation transcript:

Formation of the Arctic Upper Halocline in a Coupled Ocean and Sea-ice Model Nguyen, An T., D. Menemenlis, R. Kwok, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Motivation Questions: Source of Upper Halocline Water? [Nguyen et al., 2009] [Holloway, 2007] Svalbard Questions: Source of Upper Halocline Water? Volume budget of source water? WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Regional Configuration of MITgcm Integration Period: 1992-2005 Ocean model: 9-km horizontal 50 vertical levels Surface BC’s: JRA25 Initial conditions: WOA05 bathymetry: GEBCO KPP mixing [Large et al., 1994] BC’s: global solution Sea ice model: C-grid, ~ 9km 2-category zero-layer thermodynamics [Hibler, 1980, Hibler & Zhang, 1997] Viscous plastic dynamics [Hibler, 1979] Initial conditions: Polar Science Center Snow simulation: [Zhang et al., 1998] ECCO2: High- Resolution Global- Ocean and Sea-Ice Model WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

1992-2005 Mean August velocity magnitude (top 100m) m/s WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Snap shots winter late spring late summer winter s B B’ WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

1992-2005 Mean Temperature A A’ oC WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Densewater formation on shelves Surface T / S BB’ profile 1 [Woodgate, 2005] contours: S > 33.25, Sea-ice area = 95% WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Heat Loss, Ice and Dense-water and Halocline water productions [Cavalieri 1994] Heat Loss: HL = (8.64104) • A • Fnet Ice Production: Vi = (8.64104) • HL / (ri • L) Salt Production: SF = ri • Vi • 0.69 • sw Dense Water: VD = SF / [rese – rw sw] Halocline Water**: VH = VD (se – 32) / (32.85 – 32) , se > 32.85 = SF / [rhsh – rw sw ] , se < 32.85 ** Assumptions: sea-ice production yields enriched water with salinity increases 1.5-2 psu enriched water mixes with mixed-layer water to produce halocline water cold halocline water has an average salinity sh=32.85 psu enriched water has salinity se > sh Variables: Fnet: total ocean-to-atmosphere heat flux A: open-water area L: latent heat of fusion ri,Vi : sea-ice density and volume re, se: enriched water density and salinity rw, sw: background water density and salinity WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Ice productions in Region 1 WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Densewater transport from shelves into Arctic interior Model Observations C C’ C C’ Summer 2002 [Pickart, 2005] August 1992-2005 WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Dense water and Halocline water calculations: B B’ WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Net Halocline Water Production Source Period Dense Water Halocline Water Cavalieri, [1994]...1978-1987 0.24 0.04 Sv --- This study……….1992-2005 0.12  0.03 Sv 0.09  0.03 Sv WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Numerical Calculation (1) Source Period Dense Water Halocline Water Cavalieri, [1994]...1978-1987 0.24 0.04 Sv --- This study……….1992-2005 0.12  0.03 Sv 0.09  0.03 Sv 1993-2005 0.19  0.05 Sv 0.18  0.09 Sv WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Numerical Calculation (2) Source Period Dense Water Halocline Water Cavalieri, [1994]...1978-1987 0.24 0.04 Sv --- This study……….1992-2005 0.12  0.03 Sv 0.09  0.03 Sv 1993-2005 0.19  0.05 Sv 0.18  0.09 Sv 1993-2005 0.15  0.09 Sv WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Summary Model: realistic polynyas and ice productions compared to observations Seasonal cycle of dense water in the Chukchi Sea Dense water  supplies water to the Upper Halocline  need to compare with observations Thank You WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009

Extra (1) [Martin 2004, 2005] WHOI -- AOMIP 10/20/2009