Letter sounds 1
z zoo zero Zebra finch
y you yabby yellow yo yo
x X-ray box
w we with wet wind wombat warlpari
v vine voice van violin have
u up uncle bus umbrella
t tap it to little turtle
s sun screw sit see snake said
r rat run rope rosella
qu queen quiet Queensland quoll Quinisha
p pin up puppy pot possum hippo
o orange on octopus
n net on nest numbat
m me mother Mum my man him mussels
l lion look lizard log lemon little
k kitchen kick kite
j jam jumper juice jellyfish
i it is insect Ikuntji tin
h hot hand hop here
g go gate girl gecko frog
f for frog fish off fox
e egg bed pen
d dog doll Dad down dolphin door
c cat car cake come canoe
b big bird bed box boomerang
a at and ant Alicurung apple