13th Regional Meeting of National EFA Coordinators Meeting National EFA 2015 Review 13th Regional Meeting of National EFA Coordinators Meeting The Big Push 26-27 February 2013 Bangkok, Thailand
Why EFA 2015 Review and for what ? Foreseen in the Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990) and Strategy 11 of the Dakar Framework (Dakar, Senegal, 2000) Critical moment for accelerating EFA actions and preparing for post-2015 education agenda Promotion of broad-based reflections and debates on EFA and beyond Opening many opportunities (e.g. summarizing lessons learnt; clarifying next priorities and strategies; shaping the future of education) Strengthening national capacities for monitoring and evaluation of education Reach the destination – in term of time but may not be the goals Assessment vs. evaluation For the country, by the country
What will be assessed/reviewed ? Assessing progress towards the six EFA goals (What) Reviewing implementation of strategies in achieving EFA (How) Determining the relevance of the EFA framework (Looking at future) Concept Note: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002193/219337E.pdf
What will be assessed/reviewed ? Assessing progress towards the six EFA goals (What) Goal 1: Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children. Goal 2: Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to, and complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality. Goal 3: Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programmes. Goal 4: Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults. Goal 5: Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality. Goal 6: Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills.
What will be assessed/reviewed ? Assessing progress towards the six EFA goals (What)
What will be assessed/reviewed ? Reviewing implementation of 12 strategies in achieving EFA (How) mobilize strong national and international political commitment for education for all, develop national action plans and enhance significantly investment in basic education; promote EFA policies within a sustainable and well integrated sector framework clearly linked to poverty elimination and development strategies; ensure the engagement and participation of civil society in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of strategies for educational development; develop responsive, participatory and accountable systems of educational governance and management; meet the needs of education systems affected by conflict, natural calamities and instability and conduct educational programmes in ways that promote mutual understanding, peace and tolerance, and that help to prevent violence and conflict; implement integrated strategies for gender equality in education which recognize the need for changes in attitudes, values and practices;
What will be assessed/reviewed ? Reviewing implementation of 12 strategies in achieving EFA (How) implement as a matter of urgency education programmes and actions to combat the HIV /AIDS pandemic; create safe, healthy, inclusive and equitably resourced educational environments conducive to excellence in learning, with clearly defined levels of achievement for all; enhance the status, morale and professionalism of teachers; harness new information and communication technologies to help achieve EFA goals; systematically monitor progress towards EFA goals and strategies at the national, regional and international levels; and build on existing mechanisms to accelerate progress towards education for all.
What will be assessed/reviewed ? Determining the relevance of the EFA framework (Looking at future) EFA MDG ESD Regional Education Development framework National Education Development Agenda
Assessing progress towards the six EFA goals 6 EFA Goals & Other National Edu Development Goals 12 Implementation Strategies & Other National Strategies What have been achieved Reviewing implementation of strategies in achieving EFA 6 EFA Goals & Other National Edu Development Goals 12 Implementation Strategies & Other National Strategies How have been achieved Determining the relevance of EFA framework Better measureable and relevant Goals! More responsive and relevant Strategies! What can be learned
What will be assessed/reviewed? Renewal of collective commitment International Education Agenda (beyond 2015) Nation Education Agenda (beyond 2015) Assessing progress towards the six EFA goals Effectiveness Relevance of the EFA framework Relevance Reviewing implementation of strategies in achieving EFA Efficiency
Expected results/outputs/outcomes Ultimate results - setting national post-2015 education agenda regional global Concrete outputs National reports along with relevant thematic review papers; Participatory review through a series of national dialogues; Renewal of collective commitment to education at national, regional and global levels. Expected outcomes A clear awareness and public debate about progress of the development of education within the context of EFA Rich lessons learnt and future priorities and strategies shaped Ever closer integration of education into overall developmental processes
Implementation modality Guiding Principles: Evidence-based Participatory and Inclusive Constructive Forward-looking
Implementation modality Use of existing mechanism and previous experience: National EFA Coordination National MDG Assessment National Education Sector Group MDA, EDN The Assessment exercise particularly at the country level should be aligned and synchronized as much as possible with the national MDG Assessment process as well as inclusive for all national stakeholders.
Implementation modality Tripartite National Team Other Govt. Ministries/ Agencies Ministry of Education Development Partners Civil Society Organizations
Implementation modality National Forum Consultative dialogue(s) National Report Regional Forum Global Forum
Proposed key activities/events Indicative Timeline Proposed key activities/events Indicative Timeline UNESCO Director-General’s letter to the Member States together with the implementation and technical guidelines to launch the National EFA 2015 Review process March 2013 Countries establish National EFA 2015 Review Team April 2013 First national consultative forum to launch the National EFA 2015 Review at country level May – June 2013 A series of national dialogues as part of the National EFA 2015 Review process and preparation of the national review report June 2013 – April 2014 A national forum on “EFA 2015 Review and Education Agenda for beyond 2015” April – May 2014 Respective regional EFA partners will prepare and organize regional EFA Review activities/events for their region in line with national and global events June – October 2014 Global Conference on EFA 2015 May 2015
Resource mobilization International support Government National EFA 2015 Review Development Partners CSO
Resource mobilization Resources need for : • Technical and logistics support to data collection, analysis, dissemination and reviews at national level; • Organizing national and regional dialogues and forums; • Producing national reports and relevant thematic papers; • Participating in the relevant regional and global events.
Resource mobilization Usually from sky, only thunder and rain come Believe your force Synergy
Three Do and Don’t of EFA2015 Reviews Part of Separate one Country driven Agency driven Why, How What
Final words This is not the end of the story telling, it is the writing of the beginning of a new chapter. Learning from the past is a gift for the future. Those neglects learning in his/her past, loses the past and is dead for the future. Moving on isn’t forgetting the past, its learning from it. Learning from the past, living in the present, preparing for the future.
Meeting Our Collective Commitments For the country, by the country Thank you Q& A