Peer to Peer connection


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Presentation transcript:

Peer to Peer connection KX-NS1000 Peer to Peer connection Rev1.2 11 May., 2015 Not for Sales??

Introduction P2P (Peer to Peer connection) This PBX automatically establishes peer-to-peer communication between peer-to-peer compatible IP extensions (i.e., IP-PTs and SIP extensions) that belong to the same P2P group. With peer-to-peer calls, the call is routed directly from one IP extension to another without going through a DSP card. 2

Table of Contents Chapter 1) Overview 2) How it work? 3) Programming 3

Chapter 1 Overview Chapter 1: Product Overview .

1. Overview Type of connection? P2P Scenarios P2P calls can be established between telephones in a single site or across sites. The following illustrations show P2P calls established in a variety of network configurations. It is assumed that all the devices are connected over a private IP network. Within a same site Between branch offices over a VPN (hub-and-spoke connection)*1 Between branch offices over a VPN (mesh connection) Between sites with multiple PBXs G711/G729/G722 available as P2P but G.722 is only available for calls between KX-NT300 series IP-PTs and some SIP extensions that support this codec during peer-to-peer communication.

1. Overview VPN connection arrangement Signaling VPN Router (Center) Voice path VPN Path Hub & Spoke Signaling VPN Router VPN Voice path VPN Path Mesh Call Signaling Path (MGCP/SIP) :Via NS Voice Traffic Path (RTP) : Direct through Each Router Call Signaling Path (MGCP/SIP) :Via NS Voice Traffic Path (RTP) : Via Center Router

1. Overview Type of connection? P2P Groups • Telephones must belong to the same P2P group to establish a P2P connection. Telephones at different sites can be assigned to the same P2P group. • Each PBX in a one-look network is also assigned to a P2P group. This assignment is used when a legacy telephone (e.g., an SLT) is on a call with an IP telephone at another branch. If the PBX and the IP telephone both belong to the same P2P group, a P2P connection is established between the IP telephone and the PBX. Connection between different devices is in P2P groups The PBX group assignment is used when an IP telephone establishes a call with a non-IP telephone (e.g., an SLT). If the non-IP telephone’s PBX and the IP telephone are in the same P2P group, a P2P connection is established between the IP telephone and the PBX: . 

1. Overview General condition • Three codecs are used for peer-to-peer calls: G.722, G.711, and G.729A. The speech quality of the codecs varies as follows: (High) G.722, G.711, G.729A (Low). When the preferred codec of each party differs, the call will be established using the lower codec. For example, if the caller prefers G.711 while the called party prefers G.729A, the call will be established using G.729A. • G.722 is only available for calls between KX-NT300 series IP-PTs and some SIP extensions that support this codec during peer-to-peer communication. • Through system programming, it is possible to assign the preferred codec to use for IP-PTs and KX-UT series SIP phones. • For non-KX-UT series SIP extensions, the priority of the codec that will be used can be specified via the telephone itself. • For non-peer-to-peer calls via the DSP card, calls cannot be made or received when all of the card’s resources are being used.

Chapter 2 How it work? Chapter 1: Product Overview . 9

2. How it work? Within a site Calls between IP telephones within a site establish a P2P connection. VPN Site A Site B Control Packet Voice Packet RTP packet exchange directly between devices. Only control signal exchange between PBX and devices.

2. How it work? Between Branch Offices Over a VPN (Hub and Spoke) Calls between IP telephones in separate branch offices establish a P2P connection, using the hub router at Site A to communicate over a VPN. *When the VPN uses a hub-and-spoke (star) topology, the hub router must be configured to allow U-turn connections. Control Packet Voice Packet VPN Site A Site B Site C RTP packet exchange directly between devices through VPN router at main site. So network I/F at main site should have enough band width for catering to handle all communication. Only control signal exchange between PBX and devices. RTP packet u-turn at router at Site A. So it is necessary to set U-Turn setting at VPN router at site A.

2. How it work? Between Branch Offices Over a VPN (Mesh) Calls between IP telephones in separate branch offices establish a P2P connection directly through the VPN routers at each branch. Control Packet Voice Packet VPN Site A Site B Site C RTP packet exchange directly between devices through direct VPN path. Only control signal exchange between PBX and devices.

2. How it work? Between Sites with Multiple PBXs Calls between telephones in separate sites, each with its own PBX, establish a P2P connection over a VPN. Control Packet Voice Packet VPN Site A Site B RTP packet exchange directly between devices. Only control signal exchange between PBX and devices.

2. How it work? Logic how to deploy P2P? (IPPT vs IPPT, IPPT vs Legacy/Trunk) Compare P2P Group same or not Using DSP of NS that devices belong to (IPPT-DSP-DSP-IPPT, ex slide 17 “RTP switch”) Not same Same P2P between devices (IPPT-IPPT, ex slide 12-13 IPPT-DSP-IPPT, ex slide 15 IPPT-DSP-SLT, ex slide 16) 1)P2P Group number is defined for each IP terminal. 2)P2P Group number for Legacy devices/Trunk is defined system wise. Legacy device always use DSP to communicate with other IP devices or Legacy device in other NS cabinet.

Non-P2P call due call between different P2P Group 2. How it work? P2P Groups P2P Group 1 P2P Group 2 P2P Call due call within same P2P Group DSP Main Unit Non-P2P call due call between different P2P Group Call between devices belong to same P2P group has direct RTP path. Call between devices belong to different P2P group through DSP.

IP-PT belong to Slave Unit 2. How it work? Connection between different devices in same P2P groups P2P Group 1 While the call between site then DSP used at PBX connect with legacy device Master VoIP-GW IP-PT belong to Slave Unit Slave DSP at Slave Unit is not used and IP-PT directly access to DSP at Master Unit. IPPT directly send RTP to IP-GW is in same PBX that SLT belong to.

2. How it work? Non-P2P call “RTP Relay” call path EXT to CO “RTP Switch” call path EXT to EXT P2P Group 1 Slave Unit Master Unit DSP P2P Group 2 “RTP Relay” call path EXT to CO Main Unit 1 There is non-P2P call like below ; “RTP Switch” method is keep same type of codec and just replace IP header to send RTP packet to the other end. For example call in between different P2P group. “RTP Relay” method is convert CODEC that applicable for the other end and send. For example call between IPEXT and SIP Trunk.

Combination Of P2P Group (setting) 2. How it work? P2P bandwidth control P2P Group1 (HQ) P2P Group2 (Branch 1) P2P Group2 (Branch 2) P2P Group4 (Branch 3) Narrow Band Wide band Combination Of P2P Group (setting) Bandwidth Control Grouop1(Disable) Group2(Disable) None Group1(Disable) Group3(Disable) Group4(Enable) Deploy Group3(Diable) When Bandwidth control is enabled then system sort codec ability from narrow band codec based on CODEC setting in the NS1000. 帯域優先制御を実施すると決定した場合、発側IP内線から着側IP内線へ通知される通信能力情報を、使用帯域の少ない順に並び替えを行う。 その際、音声能力の並び替えは、システムに設定された音声優先順に従い、その優先順に並び替えを行う。

2. How it work? P2P connection between IP-Trunk and IP-PT ITSP Supported P2P connection type 1) IP Extension – IP Extension (Already support from Ver.1) 2) SIP Trunk –IP Extension (New) ITSP Peer to Peer connection SIP signaling SIP/MGCP signaling

2. How it work? P2P connection between IP-Trunk and IP-PT Available media type on P2P connection. Type of media Type of P2P connection AUDIO VIDEO DATA * Others IP-Extension – IP Extension Yes No IP-Extension – SIP Trunk * Only support T.38 FAX SIP-PSはサポートしない??<=確認。詳細版作成までに確認。

2. How it work? P2P connection between IP-Trunk and IP-PT Support IP-Trunk and IP telephone by P2P connection Following is combination table for P2P connection IP Extension IP Trunk NT500 Series* NT300 series UT 3rd party SIP phone SIP Trunk H.323 Trunk NT500 series* Yes No NT300 series UT series * Specific firmware is required for NT543/546/560. SIP-PSはサポートしない??<=確認。詳細版作成までに確認。

Chapter 3 How to program? Chapter 1: Product Overview . 22

3 How to program? Define P2P Group for the system

3 How to program? Define P2P Group for the Extension ( NT/UT/SIP-SLT)

3 How to program? Define P2P Codec Priority

3 How to program? Define bandwidth control or not for P2P Group

Thank you ! The END

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