Coherence & Quantum Technology Jom Luiten Cyclotron 2.06, 4359 CQT
Cool Quantum Tricks Jom Luiten Cyclotron 2.06, 4359 CQT
Coulomb Quantum Theory Jom Luiten Cyclotron 2.06, 4359 CQT
Dream Beam Team: 2016 champion Skeeten, July 2015 Karten, July 2016 Dream Beam Team: 2016 champion
CQT: Coherence & Quantum Technology Extreme plasmas CQT Particle manipulationwith light (lasers…) Atom, ion and electron beams
CQT: Coherence & Quantum Technology Extreme states of matter: Ultracold plasmas & gases; Laser Manipulation of atoms, electrons and ions; Atom, electron & ion beams for femto-nano science & engineering.
CQT: Coherence & Quantum Technology Extreme states of matter: Ultracold plasmas & gases; Laser Manipulation of atoms, electrons and ions; Atom, electron & ion beams for femto-nano science & engineering. ultracold & ultrafast
Ultrafast electron microscopy Generating & manipulating femtosecond electron pulses Microwave cavities: new electron optical components
Ultrafast electron microscopy Since October 2014: new FEI transmission electron microscope in CQT lab Combine nanometer spatial and femtosecond temporal resolution New FEI product Fundamental light – matter interaction
Laser cooling & trapping Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT) Ultracold atomic gas I Laser cooling & trapping N ≤ 1010 Rb atoms, R ≈ 1 mm T ≈ 100 µK Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT)
Electron temperature 1-10 K Ultracold plasma I Electron temperature 1-10 K Te Ultracold Plasma
Ultracold electron & ion beams! V Rb+ e- I ‘laser like’ charged particle beams: many new applications! Ultracold beams!
Ultracold electron beams new source for ultrafast electron microscopy ultrafast structural dynamics of macromolecules fundamental beam limits – fermi degenerate beams
Ultracold electron beams For more info, see article in Physics Today July 2014, p. 12
FIB: ion beam milling at nanometer scale Ultracold ion beams FIB: ion beam milling at nanometer scale IC defect analysis with Dual beam FIB-SEM machine
For more info, see article by Gijs ten Haaf in N! 17 June 2014, p. 12 Ultracold ion beams 2D MOT laser cooling of Rb atomic beam Laser photo-ionization of cold atomic beam Design & simulations focusing lenses for 1 nm spot For more info, see article by Gijs ten Haaf in N! 17 June 2014, p. 12
Ultracold Rydberg gas… I Ultracold, highly excited atoms
Ultracold Rydberg gas: theory & experiment Rydberg lattice Model system for solid state Quantum computation Ultracold charged particle source Ultracold, highly excited atoms
Quantum mechanical theory of ‘Few-body physics’ Efimov trimers… ‘Borromean rings’ …and beyond (Servaas Kokkelmans)
Cyclotron Building More info? Servaas Kokkelmans, Jom Luiten, Peter Mutsaers, Edgar Vredenbregt, Cyclotron Building
Coordination internships: Edgar Vredenbregt Cyclotron 2.07 Tel. 040 247 3469