Growing Your Incident Response Toolbox Jonny Sweeny, GSEC GCWN GCIH GWAS Incident Response Manager June 24, 2018 Copyright 2009, Trustees of Indiana University. This work is the intellectual property of IU. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
What do IR tools get us? Decreased detect-to-block times Improved ability to track down users and computers End-user self-service remediation
Main Content Area Bullet point one Bullet point two Bullet point three Bullet point four Bullet point five
What this talk is not about: Proactive tools to identify/notice activity (i.e. IDS)
Outline How to grow the toolbox Categories of tools: Lookup/processing Communications Blocking Self-Service How IU implemented these tools
Clicking, double-clicking You have to know about tools before you can grow your toolbox This video clip of The IT Crowd is © Channel Four Television Corporation
How to grow the toolbox Start collecting connection logs (Syslog) NetFlow or SFlow data Other login records too (DNS, AD, LDAP, Kerberos, Webmail, CAS) Consider log retention rollover Get the logs into a database Write event query code Streamline notification (canned messages) Streamline blocking Provide easy lookup for support staff Provide self-service remediation At #1, talk about who/where to get logs from. -- show of hands: who is collecting this data now? --FOIA requests == a reason to *not* store for too long At #2, talk about *how* to import to a database. Mention named pipes. 7
Are you from the past? The importance of clear communications This video clip of The IT Crowd is © Channel Four Television Corporation
Communications tools
Blocking tools Disable Accounts DHCP AD Group WDDX VPN Dialup ~Tracking blocks – we log all block actions. Helps us see machines that keep showing up. ~Make sure and point out how blocking can be complicated but unifying it helps a lot. ~Compare: scramble versus disable. MAC Address SuperBlock Scripted https post SOAP Null route injections WPA2 802.1x Scramble Passphrase 10
Self-Service Unblocks Unblocking used to take a lot of our time. Now users do it themselves. 12
Demonstrate Smite, Notify & Remediation I will now attempt a live demo…wish me luck!!
Demo processing of sample DMCA notice
DMCA quiz
DMCA Automation
DMCA User Maintenance
Demonstrate Charts
Demonstrate Database
Whitelist / Blacklist
SOAP Services
Tech Specs Future plans Written in Perl 12,800 lines of code Has been a side project; first went live Oct 2007 Future plans Digital signatures Better notification to support teams at block time
Questions? Jonny Sweeny Webmail spammer (and brute force) detection scripts Keyboard shortcuts Juggle Jonny Sweeny