Early America. Beginnings – English III


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Presentation transcript:

Early America. Beginnings – 1800. English III

What is a myth? A myth is an anonymous, traditional story that explains a natural phenomenon , an aspect of human behavior, or a mystery of the universe. A creation myth tells how the world and human beings came to exist. Origin myths explain how natural phenomena, such as the stars, moon, and mountains, came to be or why a society has certain beliefs and customs.

Myths usually come from ancient oral traditions Myths usually come from ancient oral traditions. Early civilizations did not make the clear distinction between history and mythology that we do today. They took their myths very seriously as explanations of how the world came to be as it is.

What did Native Americans consider sacred? Native Americans considered animals, plants, and forces of nature sacred.

In your opinion, why do you think stories were so important to the Native America people?

The term Indians as applied to Native Americans is thought to have originated in a misconception on the part of the Europeans who arrived in Central America in 1492. Since Christopher Columbus began his journey to America with the intent of finding an alternate route to Southeast Asia, he is said to have assumed that the people he came into contact with upon reaching land were Indians. Despite the fact that people probably realized this mistake within hours, the name remained in use.

Name two reasons why Europeans began exploring the rest of the world in the 1400s. Leave the Catholic Church Start a new life Growth of trade Advances in navigation and shipbuilding

In what year did the Quakers settle in Pennsylvania In what year did the Quakers settle in Pennsylvania? Why did they leave Europe? The Quakers (or Puritans) settled in Pennsylvania in 1670. They were seeking religious freedom from the Catholic Church of England.

William Bradford begins what piece of literature in 1630? Plymouth Plantation

In 1682, the story of the captivity of what woman was published? Mary Rowlandson

In 1704, the first colonial what is published? Newspaper

Who’s The American Speller was published in 1783? Noah Webster

When Columbus arrived, approximately how many Native American languages were spoken in North America? 300

Please name five of the animals/insects that were brought from England to the Americas.

By 1750, about how many slaves were in North America? 200,000

What was signed in 1776 and what did it do? The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. It asserted the colonists the right to self-govern and establish the USA.

What was even more destructive to Native Americans than weapons? DISEASES

Please list five facts about the Puritans. Greatly influenced American literature Saw signs of corruption in the church Dressed plainly Held simple religious services Undecorated areas Please list five facts about the Puritans.

What was the central idea of the Great Awakening? The central idea of the Great Awakening was having a personal, emotional relationship that brings one closer to God. What was the central idea of the Great Awakening?

Renaissance Man

Please list three facts about Benjamin Franklin. He was one of seventeen children. He had a very poor family. He ended as a businessman, an influential politician, and a famous writer and scientist.