Planning my interactive media


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Presentation transcript:

Planning my interactive media

Current home design

My future blog Welcome About Blog Gallery Glossary Search Sample Text

Artist Website This is Chris Brown’s website. What I like about is the image (the aftereffects) stands out of the background, the font looks big, able to see the text. The website looks very professional because the layout has good colours matches the site title and image of Chris Brown with adjust colour and quality. Its better to improved if there’s few pictures and little bit of descriptive words. Also, the background could change a colour or designed background relates to music.

Plan for future Associations

Self-Portrait The picture was taken at the studio. I edit on Photoshop, upload the picture which I am passion of. I prefer in color than black & white because its much brighter.

Horror shot The picture was taken at the studio. The equipment's are gels to create color effects for horror and Studio flash.

Avatar The picture was edited in Photoshop.

Zombie effects Edited in Photoshop. This is an exercise style to get started with my own zombie/horror effects. This picture was edited in Photoshop.