Foreign Language Survey January 31, 2017
Warm up Answer the following questions. 1. Who was the king that had 6 wives and was part of the Tudor period? 2. What was the name of the daughter of King Henry VIII and Ann Bolin, who became the last queen in the Tudor period. 3.What was happening in the Americas during the Georgian period? 4. When was the first form of a parliamentary government created in Great Britain? 5. During who’s reign did people start moving to cities and working in offices and factories?
History of the United Kingdom Using your notes, complete exercise 3, 4 and 5 Be sure to use complete sentences.
Exploring and Colonizing With a partner read the page Exploring and Colonizing. Complete exercises 6 and 7.
Industrial Revolution Read the page on the Industrial Revolution and fill in the blanks for that page. Complete exercises 9 and 10.