Henry VIII is still looking for that perfect woman facebook Wall Photos Events Boxes Henry VIII Logout Henry VIII is still looking for that perfect woman Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Henry VIII Henry VIII Anne of Cleves was pretty but dull and Catherine Howard “lost her head” and betrayed me. Call me a hopeless romantic but I think I’ll give marriage another try with Catherine Parr. Send Henry VIII a message Poke message Henry VIII is proud to announce the birth of his son, Edward! Finally and heir! Unfortunately it doesn’t look like Jane is going to make it. 1537 Information Networks: England Birthday: June 28, 1491 Political: Absolute Monarch Religion: Protestant Hometown: Greenwich, England. Anne Boleyn Please Henry! Don’t do anything crazy! I know I can give you the son you want! 1536 Catherine of Aragon No matter what I’ll always be England’s true Queen. Friends Henry VIII Things aren’t working out so well with me and the Catholic Church so I’m breaking away and starting the Church of England. Who’s in?? Anne of Cleves Catherine Howard Catherine Parr Clement VII Sorry Henry,.. Request denied. No annulment! October 1, 1963
Henry VIII is still looking for that perfect woman facebook Wall Photos Events Boxes Henry VIII Logout Henry VIII is still looking for that perfect woman Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: England Sex: Male Birthday: June 28, 1491 Hometown: Greenwich, England Relationship Status: (Currently )Married to Catherine Parr Political Views: Monarchist Religious Views: Catholic Church of England View photos of Henry VIII (5) Send Henry a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: hunting, dining, disputing Papal authority Interests: Having an heir to carry on the Tudor reign Favorite Music: Personal Quote: "most dearly and most entirely beloved wife" Claim to Fame: Started the English Reformation, Married 6 times Education: Information Networks: England Birthday: June 28, 1491 Political: Absolute Monarch Religion: Protestant Hometown: Greenwich, England Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Hampton Court Palace, England Phone Number: Not available for another 400 years The Family Updated last Tuesday Hampton Palace Updated two months ago
facebook Henry VIII Wall Photos Events Boxes Henry VIII Logout Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Henry VIII 4 Photos My Hunting Party A young Henry Henry VIII’s Albums 2 Photo Alums 5 photos The Family 5 photos The White House 1 photo Profile Pictures