2016 Part II Trans Supers CEP 12/7/15 12/7/15 Driver Alert System - Evaluation Project DAS-EP
Driver Alert System – Evaluation Project Mr. Tim Funk, Ravenna Transportation Supervisor Tel. 231-853-6311 What the motorist pass-by experience is like in the Ravenna Public School District School bus drivers opinions about the Driver Alert System and the change in motorists approaching their school buses after the DAS was installed and used on Ravenna school buses 12/7/15 Driver Alert System - Evaluation Project
Driver Alert System – Evaluation Project How the Driver Alert System works Preparing to stop – 200 feet of amber light communication While stopped - red light communicates direct and clear “Hazard Warning Light” - communicates stopping Railroad crossing – communicates bus driver’s intent The messages are communicated at motorist’s eye level 12/7/15 Driver Alert System - Evaluation Project
Driver Alert System – Evaluation Project I am going to open up the discussion for questions from our audience of transportation supervisors. But before I do, I have a couple of questions. From your perspective as a transportation supervisor and part-time school bus driver, is there a need to improve the way school bus drivers can communicate to motorists what to do, when to do it, and why do it as vehicles approach a stopping or stopped school bus? What was the retro-fit installation of the DAS like – time consuming, expensive, or a problem with school bus inspection? 12/7/15 Driver Alert System - Evaluation Project
Driver Alert System – Evaluation Project Would you recommend to supervisors in the auditorium and watching this program online that they include the DAS as a spec on new school bus purchases and retro-fit existing school buses? I am now going to open for questions from our live audience of transportation supervisors. Please come to the podium to ask your question. 12/7/15 Driver Alert System - Evaluation Project