Mrs. Thompson’s Daily Schedule 8:15-8:45 Attendance, Announcements, Lunch count & Morning Work 8:45-9:00 Gathering Circle 9:00-9:35 Stepping Stones 9:35-10:25 PAMM- (P.E. Mon/Wed/Thurs.) 10:25-11:00 Theme Exploration and Rhyme Time 11:00-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:30 Go Math! 12:30-12:45 Rhyme time round 2 12:45-1:05 Star Story 1:05-1:30 Write Away 1:30-2:00 Recess 2:00-3:05 Let’s Daydream, Let’s Think About it, Pack Up & Labs 3:05 Dismissal
Please tell your child what lunch they will be eating Please tell your child what lunch they will be eating. Will it be hot, cold, or PBJ school lunch? Lunch from home? Bring a water bottle with a name on it for PE/recess Please help children make sure homework is correct and understood.
Classroom Management Class Expectations & Rules Classroom Behavior chart Cheetah Prides Team Points Class Compliments
Daily folders Should be brought to school every day Homework and important notes can be found in the front pocket Includes monthly behavior & reading calendar-parents are to initial each day indicating that their child has read for 20 minutes and that they have reviewed their behavior for the day. Marked daily with your child’s behavior indicated for that day (purple/pink- fantastic day; green-good day; yellow-warning; red-needs improvement) Calendar also includes information on the themes we are studying and important dates to remember.
Read 20 Minutes per night Go Math! Pages Practice sight words (in packet) Later we will have reading and writing homework as well
Kinder Corner Theme Units Unit 1: Welcome to School Unit 2: I Am Amazing Unit 3: Those Nearest & Dearest Unit 4: Head to Toe Unit 5: Cornucopia Unit 6: What’s On the Menu Unit 7: Sing a Song-Paint a Picture Unit 8: Winter Weatherland Unit 9: Day & Night, Dark & Light Unit 10: Words & Roads Take Us Places Unit 11: Safe & Sound Unit 12: Buggy About Spring Unit 13: City Gardens & Country Farms Unit 14: Fur & Feathers Unit 15: Water Wonders Unit 16: Earth Day is Every Day
Reading -Students spend 1 week on each book Success For All Kinder Corner program We begin with phonemic awareness activities Stepping Stones: -Letter/sound concepts White books (Concepts of Print) -theme related mini books; teacher directed reading activity used to teach concepts of print; books are sent home for students to practice with and return the following week. Kinderoots shared Stories- starts third quarter. 22 books in the series -Students spend 1 week on each book -Students will bring home 1 book for the week to read daily and complete bookmark activities, then return the following week.
We use a combination of SFA Kinder Corner and Florida state standards writing strategies Journals Literacy based writing- Read and respond to text ● Interactive Writing- Cooperative learning- writing strategies
Go Math! is used in Seminole County Link: Go Math @ Think Central You will get a password and username soon. Home work will come home almost every night. Please review their classwork math sheets at home.
Science and Social Studies Science and social studies concepts are embedded into our theme units Weekly Readers
Grading Policy S-satisfactory N-needs improvement The student’s grades are based on mastery of the Standards and mastery of concepts taught in class Kindergarten promotion is mastery of 70-100% of the Standards Students are graded by formal and informal assessments and teacher observations Students are assessed quarterly with the opportunity to master the skills by the end of each quarter
You must register as a Dividend in order to volunteer in the classroom or go on field trips. This must be done every year. Class Website School Website
Reminders Please look through the entire packet that you were given. Feel free to ask questions at this time! Please make your way to the cafeteria to meet all of our SPAMM teachers starting at 5:35.