Collaboration Board Summary Alan Bross MICE CM 27
Collaboration Board – CM26 Agenda: Intro Approval of minutes Booth Spokeʼs remarks & EB report Blondel PM report Nichols Common Fund Long NSF Update Hanson SB report Palladino October CM Tsenov Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010
Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010 Spokesmouse Spokesmouse Report MICE PROJECT BOARD (new version) will take place September 23 Running MICE: concentrating on data taking. MICO agenda has been modified to account for emphasis on beam-line tuning. Missing one MOM in November. Shift taking Policy AB will draft a proposal. All authors have a shift responsibility, but burden accounted for by institution. NOTE: Running 24/7 with the number of authors we currently have means about 3 shifts/author/month Open issues: Accounting for MOM shifts, BLOC, etc. Not necessarily a consensus on this point at the moment. Extra Shift taking as a way of fulfilling common fund responsibility was rejected. IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010
PM Report
Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010 Andy gave a report summarizing status of scheduling update, and engineering integration From TB discussion: Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010
Could aim for Step IV in 2012, say Q2
Spectrometer solenoids – what I’ve picked up this week: September 2010 – complete diagnosis of current lead problem December 2010 – complete the written recovery plan (Worst Case) December 2010 - ?? Arrival of magnet #1 (and 2?) further discussion..... Believe a sufficiently robust recovery plan could get us Step IV in early 2012 EMR, diffuser and solid absorbers are off critical path (for now)
Common Fund
Income and expenditure: Issues: Recovery of unpaid contributions
Estimate: 2009/10 estimate: Reasonable for present financial year (2010/11)?
180 £k
Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010 ECFA Ken reported on presentation to ECFA review panel For future large infrastructures for neutrino oscillation experiments Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010
Community consultation; steps taken: EUROnu: Concept explained to Management Board Welcomed proposed review panel Concept presented to delegates at EUROnu costing w/s, CERN, 15/16 March 2010: Positive reception Note: Formally, EUROnu reports to the Strategy Session of CERN Council: So, if the review of the IDR and EUROnu interim reports is deemed to be a success and the process moves on to the review of the RDR and the EUROnu final reports, it will be important that the review is included as part of the Strategy Session of CERN Council reporting process IDS-NF Concept explained to Steering Group Proposed review panel was welcomed Comment: Ensure review panel is manifestly international Concept presented to IDS-NF plenary meeting, FNAL 08—10 April 2010 Neu2012 (NA in EUCARD IA) Concept presented by T. Nakada to Neu2012 community
Issues: ECFA intention is that review panel shall be: International: European initiative; but international in scope and influence Composed of internationally recognised leaders in the field Not sufficient for this to be the intention, nor sufficient even for it to be true in practice, unless: The international community recognises the panel as international and ‘heavy weight’ i.e. essential that there be ‘buy in’ from: International neutrino community; ‘Stakeholders’: e.g. laboratory and funding-agency directors Implies: Care in establishing principle with stakeholders prior to launch of initiative Broad consultation to define composition of panel: Including appropriate cross membership (e.g. ICFA, ACFA, …)
Towards the terms of reference: Noting the timescale defined by the Strategy Session of CERN Council, the ECFA review panel will: Receive IDS-NF IDR and EUROnu interim report, supported by appropriate presentations from the proponents Review and comment on the IDS-NF IDR: The robustness of the physics case; The specification of the baseline for the Neutrino Factory; The analysis of cost and schedule presented in the IDR; and The plans of the IDS-NF collaboration for the RDR. Review and comment on EUROnu interim report: The strengths of the super-beam, beta-beam, and Neutrino Factory facilities The development of baseline super-beam and beta-beam facilities; The plans of the EUROnu collaboration for the completion of the study. Report to ECFA: Also to ICFA etc. if successful in forming such partnerships
Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010 NSF Update NEWS: Mississippi MRI Request Approved ($1.6M). For MICE RF Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010
Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010 Speaker’s Bureau Vittorio reviewed the status of Talks Abstracts, etc Although we missed a few meetings – Good representation at iPAC10 & Neutrino 2010 Coming UP ICHEP10 LINAC 10 NuFact 10 Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010
To be held at the Bankya Palace Spa Hotel October CM October 3-8, 2010 – Sofia To be held at the Bankya Palace Spa Hotel 1st Annual MICE Bowling Tournament Bring Your Shoes Alan Bross MICE CM - RAL July 10, 2010