Chapter Twenty-Two Community Diagnosis (2016) Berthold, T., Editor Foundations For Community Health Workers (2nd Edition) (2016) Berthold, T., Editor San Francisco, C.A.: Jossey-Bass Chapter Twenty-Two Community Diagnosis
Reflection of Last Session What did you learn? Group dynamics Benefits of group work Common challenges of group facilitation Have students review what they learned from the last session on these key topics.
What You Will Learn Define community diagnosis and discuss key concepts and methods related to community diagnosis Explain how community diagnosis is used to guide public health programs and efforts to advocate for social change Describe and apply seven key steps in a community diagnosis process Participate in the design and execution of a community-centered and strength-based community diagnosis
What You Will Learn Discuss the role of the CHW in community diagnosis Identify and develop effective research tools for gathering information for the diagnosis Summarize and analyze research findings Explain how research findings are used to develop an action plan
Words to Know Assessment of Community Strengths and Assets Needs Assessment Qualitative Data Quantitative Data Content Analysis Root Causes Institutional Review Boards Sample Leading Questions
Community Diagnosis Identifying Community Concerns Uncovering Root Causes Developing Clear Plan to Resolve
Community Diagnosis The art and the process that identifies community concerns or problems, uncovers the root causes, and develops a clear plan to overcome them. Community-Driven and Participatory Strength-Based Focuses on Root Causes
Key Concepts Educates and raises consciousness of all participants Values the community’s knowledge and experience Prioritizes culture and cultural humility in design, implementation, and analysis Values collaboration and participation during all phases Seeks political action and/or social change to improve community health and reduce health inequality
Role of the CHW during Community Diagnosis Facilitate and support community engagement Empower diverse community leadership Connect community to key resources Use client-centered/community-centered skills It is not the CHW’s role to make key decisions about the diagnosis
Seven Steps to Conduct a Community Diagnosis Identify and bring the community together Choose a focus Select research tools Conduct research Summarize research findings Analyze research findings Develop an action plan
Step 1 – Identify and Bring the Community Together Identify the group - nationality, language, risk factors, and interests are ways to bring a community to together Promote and advertise meetings to ensure that the entire community learns what is going on Use local media, schools, faith-based organizations, service organizations, businesses, and unions to get the word out!
Step 2 – Choosing a Focus Community members select a specific area of concern and a list of questions they want to answer about the issue. Focus should meet the following criteria: Meaningful – will make a difference Reach – will impact many people High Need – within the community related to the issue Public support – will be easy to get support in the community Political will – there is a will within the community to address issue Practical – expertise, time, and resources are available Clear target – there is a clearly-defined policy-making body (i.e. county board, state legislature) that can influence the identified issue
Step 3 – Select Research Tools Research tools gather information or data about a selected problem. There are two types of data: Quantitative data Qualitative data Quantitative data – Data that can be counted/measured numerically. Examples: Surveys and public health data records Qualitative data – Descriptive, in-depth understanding of how people experience a problem. Examples: Interviews and focus groups
Step 4 – Conduct Research Review Table 22.1 on page 642 Tools to conduct research: library, internet, community forums, and surveys. Descriptions: library – visit a local library and work with librarian to research problem. internet – use search engines like Google to get data or to network. community forums – organize community meetings to get community input. surveys – conduct individual or group surveys to find out people’s opinions on problem.
Step 5 – Summarize Research Findings Edit research findings so that everyone can understand the results. Make sure participants aren’t left out because they’re not comfortable talking about statistics. Highlight important findings related to the problem.
Step 6 – Analyze Research Findings Present information and research findings to the community for them to analyze and interpret. As the community is reviewing information and findings, ask questions such as: What are the solutions to the problem? Who in the community is affected by the problem? What does the community think are the causes and consequences of the problem?
Step 7 – Develop an Action Plan Based on research findings analysis, community members develop an action plan. Action plan addresses identified problems and creates change. Action plan allows all community members to participate. Example: collecting petition signatures for a community playground.
Practice Identify a problem that is affecting your community and research tools you would use to investigate Complete HW & DB in Blackboard Read Chapter 23
Resources: Image on slide 2 digital-drugs-binaural-beats by digitalbob8 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Image on slide 3 Bring Light Bulb is available in the public domain under CC0 Public Domain Image on slide 6 Wikimania 2012 Group Photograph-0001a by helpameout is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 White male is available in the public domain under CC0 Public Domain Image on slide 10 Integration is available in the public domain under CC0 Public Domain Image on slide 15 Magnifying glass is available in the public domain under CC0 Public Domain Image on slide 16 Playground is available in the public domain under CC0 Public Domain Image on slide 14 Green door is available in the public domain under CC0 Public Domain
Acknowledgements: MoSTEMWINs Adapted from the Foundations for Community Health Workers, 2nd Edition (Berthold) with permission from Wiley Publishing by the Institute of Workforce Innovation of the Metropolitan Community College Kansas City and the Workforce Solutions Group of St. Louis Community College. Unless otherwise noted this material by St. Louis Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This product is partially funded by the MoSTEMWINs $19.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership MoSTEMWINs