Review Chapter 22.


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Presentation transcript:

Review Chapter 22

Imperfect lu,w lu,omai e;luon evluo,mhn lu,eij lu,h| e;luej evlu,ou Present Tense Imperfect Active Pass/Mid Active Pass/Mid Sg lu,w lu,omai e;luon evluo,mhn lu,eij lu,h| e;luej evlu,ou lu,ei lu,etai e;lue(n) evlu,eto Pl lu,omen luo,meqa e;luomen evluo,meqa lu,ete lu,esqe e;luete evlu,esqe lu,ousin lu,ontai e;luon evlu,onto

e;luomen We were loosing

e;luete Ya’ll were loosing

I was loosing Or They were loosing e;luon I was loosing Or They were loosing

lu,ontai They are loosed

lu,eij You are loosed

evluo,meqa We were being loosed

evlu,eto He was being loosed

evn tou,tw| gnw,sontai pa,ntej o[ti evmoi. maqhtai, evste( eva evn tou,tw| gnw,sontai pa,ntej o[ti evmoi. maqhtai, evste( eva.n avga,phn e;chte evn avllh,loijÅ In this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love in one another (John 13:35).

avpo. tw/n karpw/n auvtw/n evpignw,sesqe auvtou,j From their fruit you will know them (Matthew 7:16).

avkolouqe,w I follow, accompany

avkolouqou/sin auvtw/| oi` maqhtai. auvtou/ His disciples follow him

avkolouqh,sw ton kuroin I will follow the Lord

hvkolou,qei auvtw/| o;cloj polu.j And many multitudes were following Him

dida,skw I teach

kai. ouv mh. dida,xwsin e[kastoj to. n poli,thn auvtou/ kai kai. ouv mh. dida,xwsin e[kastoj to.n poli,thn auvtou/ kai. e[kastoj to.n avdelfo.n auvtou/… Each one Each one And they shall not teach everyone his fellow citizen, and everyone his brother… (Hebrews 8:11)

…pa,ntej eivdh,sousi,n me avpo. mikrou/ e[wj mega,lou auvtw/n …all of them shall know me from the least to the greatest of them (Hebrews 8:11)

evrwta,w I ask, request, entreat

o` VIhsou/j hvrw,ta tou. j maqhta o` VIhsou/j hvrw,ta tou.j maqhta.j auvtou/ le,gwn\ ti,na le,gousin oi` a;nqrwpoi ei=nai to.n ui`o.n tou/ avnqrw,pouÈ Saying Jesus was asking His disciples, saying, “Who do men say the Son of Man is?” (Matthew 16:13).

~O de. ei=pen auvtw/|( Ti, me le,geij avgaqo,nÈ Ouvdei ~O de. ei=pen auvtw/|( Ti, me le,geij avgaqo,nÈ Ouvdei.j avgaqo,j( eiv mh. ei-j( o` qeo,jÅ Eiv de. qe,leij eivselqei/n eivj th.n zwh,n( th,rhson ta.j evntola,jÅ To enter But he said to him, Why do you say to me good? No one is good except one, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments (Mt 19:17).

I ask for, question, demand of (Intensity) evperwta,w I ask for, question, demand of (Intensity)

Oi[ Farisai/oi evphrw,twn auvto. n eiv e;xestin avndri Oi[ Farisai/oi evphrw,twn auvto.n eiv e;xestin avndri. gunai/ka avpolu/sai The Pharisees were asking him if (there is) authority (for) a man to loose a woman (Mark 10:2).

qe,lw I wish, desire

Eiv de. o] ouv qe,lw evgw,( tou/to poiw/( ouvke,ti evgw Eiv de. o] ouv qe,lw evgw,( tou/to poiw/( ouvke,ti evgw. katerga,zomai auvto,( avllV h` oivkou/sa evn evmoi. a`marti,aÅ indwelling But if the (thing) I do not wish, that I do, no longer I working out that, but the indwelling sin in me. (Romans 7:20).

peripate,w I walk

sunagwgh, Synagogue

Farisai/oj Pharisee

cronoj Time

auvto.j bapti,sei u`ma/j evn pneu,mati a`gi,w|Å He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:8)

kai. kale,seij to. o;noma auvtou/ VIhsou/n\ auvto. j ga. r sw,sei to kai. kale,seij to. o;noma auvtou/ VIhsou/n\ auvto.j ga.r sw,sei to.n lao.n auvtou/ avpo. tw/n a`martiw/n auvtw/nÅ …and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

avlla. e;rcetai w[ra kai. nu/n evstin( o[te oi` avlhqinoi. proskunhtai avlla. e;rcetai w[ra kai. nu/n evstin( o[te oi` avlhqinoi. proskunhtai. proskunh,sousin tw/| patri. evn pneu,mati kai. avlhqei,a|\ But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth (John 4:23)

dia. tou/to kai. h` sofi,a tou/ qeou/ ei=pen\ avpostelw/ eivj auvtou dia. tou/to kai. h` sofi,a tou/ qeou/ ei=pen\ avpostelw/ eivj auvtou.j profh,taj kai. avposto,louj( kai. evx auvtw/n avpoktenou/sin For this reason also the wisdom of God said, “I will send to them prophets and apostles, and some of them they will kill” (Luke 11:49).