3 14 Advent calendar 2017 21 23 11 8 19 17 13 6 25 16 9 4 18 7 5 10 15 12 24 22 20.


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Presentation transcript:

3 14 Advent calendar 2017 21 23 11 8 19 17 13 6 25 16 9 4 18 7 5 10 15 12 24 22 20

First Sunday of Advent Mark 13:33-37 3 December Mark 13:33-37 Advent is a special time where we get ready for the coming of Jesus. Jesus asks us to look out and keep our eyes open for what is happening around us, so that we are ready when he comes. What do you think Jesus wants us to see when we look around? When we look around, we sometimes see people who need our help. Lets remember this. This Advent, lets look out especially for people who have been forced to leave everything behind to find somewhere safe to live.

Make your own Advent wreath Monday 4 December 1. Cut a hole in the middle of a paper plate 2. Draw around your hands on green recycled paper 3. Stick the cut-out hands around the outside of the paper plate to make the leaves 4. Make four candles by rolling paper into tubes (3 purple and 1 pink) 5. Attach a paper flame to one candle on each Sunday of Advent The Advent wreath is a special symbol. The evergreen leaves mean everlasting life. The circle of the wreath (with no beginning and no end) reminds us of the eternity of God and the four candles are the four weeks of Advent.

Hope for the world this Advent Tuesday 5 December This Advent, as we recall the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem, we think about the difficult journey refugees around the world are making, as they look for somewhere safe to live. We think about how hard it must be to leave your home and all your things behind. Did you know…? The purple candle from the first Sunday of Advent represents hope. What is your hope for the world this week? Write it in a bauble and start a class display. Use our bauble template. My hope is that…

Help a refugee child Wednesday 6 December Amar’s family had to flee Syria with just the clothes on their backs. They now live in a tiny apartment in Jordan. The children missed lots of school. But with CAFOD’s help, Amar enrolled her children in classes as soon as she could. "The children came home telling me everything they learned in school. I was so happy because my children were happy. Learning is light." Amar, Jordan. CAFOD’s World Gift, Help a refugee child, brings happiness to families like Amar. What makes you happy?

Thursday 7 December There are lots of different World Gifts, including a marvellous moo cow! Find out what gifts there are here. Vote for your class favourite and plan ways to raise money for it. Use our A-Z of festive fundraisers to help. We all like giving and receiving presents at Christmas, but have you ever given a gift which has changed someone’s life? Yesterday we saw how the gift, Help a refugee child, changed the lives of Amar’s children.

Get Christmas crafting! Friday 8 December Make Christmas decorations to sell and use the money to buy World Gifts. Use the World Gifts template for tree decorations to help you!

A Christmas star Draw a Christmas star on a piece of recycled paper. Saturday 9 December Draw a Christmas star on a piece of recycled paper. Write the name of someone you know that you think has been a true Christmas star and say something nice about them. Give them the star and tell them why. In the Christmas story, a star guides the shepherds and the kings to the stable where Jesus was born.

Second Sunday of Advent 10 December Mark 1:1-8 Today we hear about John the Baptist and how he was a messenger for God, preparing people for the coming of Jesus. How do we prepare during Advent? Have you ever been to another country during Advent or for Christmas? Find out how people prepare during Advent in other countries around the world.

Peace for the world this Advent Monday 11 December Today we think of all those who have had to leave their homes because of conflict. We remember Amar’s family who had to flee the war in Syria. Did you know…? The purple candle from the second Sunday of Advent represents peace. How can we help bring peace to the world this week? Write your action in a bauble and add it to the class display. Use our bauble template. I will help build a peaceful world by …

Pray for refugees Tuesday 12 December Halima is eight years old. At the moment, she lives in a refugee camp in Bangladesh. Her family fled violence in Myanmar, along with more than 500,000 other people. Halima’s family have been surviving on rice and potatoes. Halima’s mother says her children are malnourished. CAFOD's partner is providing emergency aid to many families like Halima’s. Mary became a refugee in Egypt soon after Jesus was born. She probably faced many difficulties, just like refugees today. Mary, mother of Jesus, help us to welcome all those who are away from their homes this Christmas

Power to be Wednesday 13 December More than 90 schools have joined our Power to be campaign. Thank you for speaking up for local, renewable energy, giving the world’s children the power to achieve great things and lift themselves out of poverty. Find out about World Gifts Solar lamp here It’s not too late: join Power to be

Let us pray As Christmas gets closer, lets gather together Loving God, Thursday 14 December As Christmas gets closer, lets gather together Loving God, Your Son was the greatest gift for the world. Help us to remember all that he taught us about loving our sisters and brothers, wherever they live in the world. Amen

Get Christmassy! Friday 15 December Christmas is getting close! Get in the spirit by organising a Christmas jumper fundraising day. Use the money you raise to put towards World Gifts.

Christmas is coming… Saturday 16 December Read the Christmas story with a friend or someone in your family. Draw pictures to illustrate each step of the story.

Third Sunday of Advent John 1:6-8, 19-28 17 December John 1:6-8, 19-28 Jesus shows us how we should live – it is like he is shining a light in the darkness for us to follow. This reading tells us that John the Baptist came to tell everyone that Jesus, the light of the world, was coming. How do you think we can share the light of Jesus with others? How will you share the light of Jesus in the next week?

International Migrants Day Monday 18 December In many parts of the world, refugees are fleeing violence. According to the UN Refugee Agency, 65.6 million people had been forced out of their homes by the end of last year. In September, Pope Francis launched: Share the Journey. This campaign asks world leaders to protect refugees and tackle the reasons for migration. Look out for and join the campaign in 2018. Meanwhile, say a prayer for people who are away from their home this Christmas. Lord, help us to welcome all those who are away from their homes this Christmas

Bringing joy this Advent Tuesday 19 December Did you know…? The pink candle from the third Sunday of Advent represents joy. How can we bring joy to others this week? Write your action in a bauble and add it to the class display. Use our bauble template. I will bring joy to others by … This Advent, we remember the struggles that people face. We think especially of refugees who have lost so much.

Reflect this Advent Wednesday 20 December When we are preparing for Christmas we sometimes get carried away thinking about all the things we WANT. CAFOD works with people around the world to make sure they have the things that they NEED like clean water, shelter or medicine. This Advent take time to reflect and think about our sisters and brothers around the world. Lord, help us to welcome all those who are away from their homes this Christmas

Do you remember Bob? Thursday 21 December In case you missed him, Bob lives in Florence’s pond in Zambia. Florence learned to be a fish farmer with support from CAFOD. Now her whole village is transforming thanks to the learning that Florence has shared with her neighbours. During Lent, thousands of you turned little fish into big fish. Thank you! Think about how else you can help people this Advent.

Get Christmassy! Friday 22 December Christmas is almost here! Get in the spirit by organising a carol singing fundraiser. Use the money you raise to put towards World Gifts.

Brightening Up the world Saturday 23 December During Harvest, thousands of you Brightened Up to raise money and build a brighter world. Thank you! Watch our animation again to find out how, with your support, families in El Salvador have been growing their way out of poverty. 

Fourth Sunday of Advent 24 December Luke 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel comes to tell Mary that she will have a very special baby called Jesus and he will be the Son of God. The angel Gabriel is God’s messenger to Mary and he brings important news. God wants us all to be messengers and share the message that God loves everyone and we are all part of one global family. Even though today is very busy and exciting remember to stop and think about the true meaning of Christmas. Give time to spread the message of God’s love.

Happy Christmas! Monday 25 December Did you know…? The purple candle from the fourth Sunday of Advent represents love. Share your love with others this Christmas. Illustrations: Linda Bronson, Daniela Guglielmetti, Alex Amelines, Per José Karlén Photo credits: Thom Flint, Aurélie Marrier d'Unienville/ Caritas, Ben White, Oscar Durand /CRS, Caritas Turkey, Caritas Serbia