KLAUS KDA4 – Solar Irradiance Monitoring Application KLAUS Contract Kick-off 18.11.2009 KLAUS KDA4 – Solar Irradiance Monitoring Application Progress Meeting 7 09 Jun. 2011 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
KLAUS Progress Meeting 7 Structure Critical User Requirements System Architecture Implementation Test and Validation User Manual Future steps: Performance Evaluation TTO Delivered Items 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
KLAUS Progress Meeting 7 KDA3 Pursued Approach Users Identification User Requirements Collection URD -> Technical Specifications TS -> Software implementation / Delivery to users Users Service usage and validation Service delivery to ESA 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Critical User Requirements [KDA4-UR 01] The KDA shall provide real-time availability of solar radiation data [KDA4-UR 02] The KDA shall give the possibility to fill in the masks the geographical coordinates to identify the site; [KDA4-UR 04] The KDA shall give Possibility to estimate the energy production for the PV system, based on the total power installed and on the geographical site. [KDA4-UR 08] The KDA shall provide DNI information. [KDA4-UR 09] The KDA shall provide DBSR information per day with a field of view of 5°. [KDA4-UR 14] The KDA shall provide the possibility to choose the efficiency values of the CPV system to obtain the energy production values. [KDA4-UR 15] The KDA shall provide the Monthly Average Daily Global Solar Radiation (MADGSR) on ground values [KDA4-UR 16] The KDA shall provide a clear indication of the field error estimation (confidence range) over MADGSR. [KDA4-UR 17] The KDA should provide the affection, on the estimation of MADGSR on ground values, caused by the presence of fog [KDA4-UR 18] the KDA shall provide an interface as much similar as possible to the ones already used by the end user 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
KLAUS Progress Meeting 7 System Architecture Proposed Approach One SSE Service to satisfy users needs Retrieval of sun position angles Definition of a geometric model for shadows identification (using STRM digital terrain model) Use of Satellite data for real radiation measurements (including clouds and fog effects) (using SEVIRI-Retrieved Downwelling 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Overall System Breakdown Radiation DB data extractor SSE backend: 1. Identification of the STRM cell 2. Identification of the STRM pixel 3. calculation of the sun position/shadow information for the requested period, if any 4. identification of the Meteosat pixel (DB2) 5. Extraction of the irradiance information for the requested period, if any (DB1) SSE Portal -product Lat, lon - [Time frame] [plant efficency] [plant information] DB 1 Meteosat Radiation database (1701 x 651 x 2.5 years) 1.7 GB DB 2 Meteosat over SRTM remapping (6000 x 6000) x 40 (one for each SRTM scene) 202 MB Level 2 Processor SSE backend: - radiation information extraction - Radiation to power - standard - Radiation to power - concentration panels - MADGSR 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Implemented Solar Irradiance Monitoring Service 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Implemented Solar Irradiance Monitoring Service: order first Product Classic PV plants performance estimation: plant size (power) an installation geometry is needed. 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Implemented Solar Irradiance Monitoring Service: order second Product DBSR Product: daily direct beam solar raditation information provision in the user-defined time range 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Implemented Solar Irradiance Monitoring Service: order Third Product DNI Product: 30 min direct normal irradiance values, including sun-position angles, in the user-defined time range 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Implemented Solar Irradiance Monitoring Service : Order result The results of Order are available via FTP as text files 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Analysis of provided results: shadowing The presence of shadow is directly taken into account and showed in the results as negative sun azimuth values. Pixels with Null radiation and negative azimuth are un shadow or low (< 5°) sun elevation conditions The impact of shadows is taken into account in the computation of all parameters, but it is explicitly showed in the DNI product 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Analysis of provided results: shadowing Time evolution over Rovereto, Trento, Italy (DNI, Angles) 2008/12/20 2008/11/20 2009/01/20 2009/02/20 2009/03/20 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Analysis of provided results: Cloud effect The presence of clouds affects directly the radiation coming to Earth, thus the DSSF input product Pixels with Null radiation but positive azimuth value are affected by cloud coverage Pixels with low values radiation but positive azimuth value are affected by thin clouds or fog coverage The impact of clouds/fog is taken into account in the computation of all parameters, but it is explicitly showed in the DNI product 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Analysis of provided results: Cloud effect Clouds over Rovereto, Trento, Italy (DNI, Angles) 2009/04/20 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
KLAUS Progress Meeting 7 Errors Computation Sun Elevation Projection Error Pixel error 5 731,5233474 8,128037 10 362,9620365 4,032912 15 238,8512517 2,653903 20 175,8385548 1,953762 25 137,2484429 1,524983 30 110,8512517 1,231681 35 91,40147243 1,015572 40 76,27222993 0,847469 45 64 0,711111 50 53,7023764 0,596693 55 44,81328245 0,497925 60 36,95041723 0,41056 65 29,84369012 0,331597 70 23,29409499 0,258823 75 17,14874832 0,190542 80 11,28492677 0,125388 85 5,599274466 0,062214 Explicit Error estimation was requested by the users Errors can be considered are: Errors derived by satellite images in the order of few tenth of Wm-2 Errors derived by computation Depends on observation SRTM error (±16m) Variation on shadow assignment, depending on sun elevation 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
Advances with respect to the state of the art There is no available services for solar radiation and plant power generation estimation that takes into account simultaneously geometric modeling and real radiation information (including clouds and fogs effect) Improvements can be done making the system automatically updated improving the DSSF computation improving the resolution of the reference geometric model 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
KLAUS Progress Meeting 7 Future Activities Performance Evaluation (31 July 2011) TTO (31 July 2011) 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7
KLAUS Progress Meeting 7 Delivered Items D5.4.3 KLAUS_D5.4.3_1.0_FD Solar irradiance monitoring Application: KEO FEP and SSE Services description document. Issue 1.0 KLAUS_D5.4.3_1.0_UM KDA4 Solar Irradiance Monitoring Application – KEO FEP and SSE Services User Manual. Issue 1.0 D5.4.4 KLAUS_D5.4.4_1.0_TN Solar irradiance monitoring applications – KDA complete description, validation results and open issues . Issue 1.0 D5.4.5 KLAUS_D5.4.5_1.0_STP KDA4 Solar Irradiance Monitoring Application - SSE Software Test Plan. Issue 1.0 KLAUS_D5.4.5_1.0_STR KDA4 Solar Irradiance Monitoring Application - SSE Software Test Report. Issue 1.0 09.06.2011 KLAUS Progress Meeting 7