Haiti Resilience Systems Khaled Deeb, PhD, MD, MBA Associate Professor and Academic Coordinator School of Professional and Career Education
The objective of this project: Introduction The objective of this project: - develop an interface for the Haiti Resilience System to facilitate real-time data collection and mining. This project will be particularly relevant in helping Haiti after the devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew.
Data Management MySql PhP WhatsApp Cloud Computing Major advantage to using this software include: Free Open Source Software Dependable Scalable Major advantages of using this software include: Functionality Widely Available PhP Cloud Computing WhatsApp Major advantages of using Cloud Computing: Capital-Expenditure Free Flexibility Increased Collaboration Major advantages of using this application include: User Friendly, allowing for crowdsourcing
MySQL Database Structure
Business Requirements Functional Requirements: Interface capable of working on any internet connected device Database capable of storing WhatsApp message data Database must account for historical data Automatic data formatting and segregation Data upload capabilities w/ automatic duplicate data removal Data post tagging and status rating Tag editing Geographical Map and tag markers Data searching and filtering
Business Requirements (cont.) Tags can be created by multiple users A messages can have multiple tags per MCF or per multiple MCFs In effect, it is a many-to-many relationship New tags per MCF can invalidate older tags within the DBs Geographical data is captured from the tags and reflected on the map Non-Functional Requirements Capable of being integrated with Haiti Resilience System’s main system Compatible with any web browser Tag creation requires creator identification
Technical Requirements The interface and databases must be created using PHP and was developed with a MySQL database The interfaces and databases were created using MAC & Windows 10 Databases: Severity table – stores severity level and color MCF table – stores mission critical function and their associated icon Tags table – stores the tagged message including location and MCF Locations table – stores longitude and latitude of Haiti Arrondissements Groups table – stores WhatsApp group names Arrondissements table – stores the names of Haiti Arrondissements Departments table – stores the department names of Haiti Arrondissements Temp2 messages table – stores temporary messages before being upload to the master table Messages table – master table of messages
Tangible Intangible System Benefits Increased informed and strategic decision making Rapid relief and recovery Increased reliable information Organized database Built-in search tools Geospatial mapping tools
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mission Critical Functions Extremely Vulnerable Elevated Vulnerability Elevated Vulnerability 7 Resilient
Interface Design
Interface Design Free PowerPoint Templates
Interface Design
Interface Design
Interface Design
Conclusion and Recommendation for Future Work Design authentication and security login with user credentials Develop a dashboard for a friendly and quicker access to interface tools Expand on the mapping Geosystem to allow a “layered” mapping, allowing for various layers of information to be access on the map interface Integrate Map Marker Searching and filtering capabilities, allowing for markers to be filtered out through search input
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