Goldie tells us how to STOP At KPS we are Safe, Respectful Learners.
Have you heard of S.T.O.P at KPS? Do you know what it is? Why do teachers use STOP? How can STOP help us to manage our behaviour so that we can be safe, respectful learners?
STOP looks a little different! Today your class will get a new STOP poster. It’s like our STOP, THINK, CHOOSE traffic lights.
What is STOP? STOP is a way that teachers can help students manage their own behaviour STOP is consistent (always the same, no matter what) and fair (the same for everyone). All teachers use the same language when they use STOP, giving students the same reminders and the same consequences. STOP uses “time out” to help students make safe, respectful choices as learners. Transition safely Take turns
STOP helps us make good choices about our behaviour
Let’s look at our new STOP poster It’s the first time we’ve used a chart to explain STOP. Make sure you put your hand up and ask questions if you don’t understand any part of the STOP poster.
There is a think room in the top so we know where to go. The circles go from green to red to show the steps in STOP. The colours change from green (the cool zone) to orange (stay calm) to stop) to red (time to stop) Goldie gives us reminders on what we need to do to be safe, respectful learners and manage our behaviour.
STOP is fair. STOP looks the same in every classroom and learning space in our school. Every teacher follows the same steps and uses the same STOP language. You will hear your teacher use words like: Cool zone Reminder Short time out Long time out Transition safely Take turns
Let’s learn more about STOP STOP re-starts at the beginning of every session. Students get a fresh start. Every student starts each new learning session in the COOL ZONE. In the cool zone we… Keep ourselves and others safe Show respect to others Are ready and organised to learn
This is John. He’s in the cool zone. John is showing safe, respectful behaviour. John is here on the STOP chart
Reminder If John does not show safe, respectful learning behaviour, his teacher will give him a reminder. The teacher will say… John, you are not being safe/respectful/a learner. Next time, Short time out. John is here on the STOP chart. John needs to change his behaviour to stay in the cool zone.
John is here on the STOP chart. Short Time Out If John does not change his behaviour, his teacher will give him a short time out. The teacher will say… John, Short time out now. John is here on the STOP chart. John needs to move to the STO space in the classroom. He gets to accept consequences and get back on track.
John is in charge of his behaviour John needs a short time out. It’s a chance to take a breath, have a think, shake off any bad feelings. Short time out helps the class re-set too. Everyone wants to stay in the cool zone because this keeps our class calm. John can use short time out to get ready to show safe, respectful learning behaviour.
Reminder When John re-joins the class, he needs to keep calm and make safe, respectful choices. If not, his teacher will give him another reminder. The teacher will say… John, you are not being safe/respectful/a learner. Next time, Long time out, planning room and a letter home to your parents. John is here on the STOP chart. John needs to make a positive change to his behaviour, right now!
The orange zone An orange traffic light means slow down and be safe. Change your behaviour now. This is the most important time to change your behaviour. Things get pretty serious after this point.
John is here on the STOP chart. Long time out If John continues to make poor behaviour choices, he will be sent to long time out. The teacher will say… John, Long Time Out now. John is here on the STOP chart. John needs to go to his think room! This is your buddy class or the office. Do you know your think room?
Long time out Long time out is a space to calm down. Everyone needs a chance to re-set. This includes John, the teacher and the class. John might need help to make safe, respectful behaviour choices and keep learning in class. The planning room will help him do this. Letting John’s parents know he is having difficulty at school is another way of getting helpful support for John.
New session – new chance After the break, John starts back in the cool zone. He’s back and ready to learn. After his break, John is able to remember how to show that he is a safe respectful learner and make good behaviour choices.
STOP has to be fair Teachers will: Always use the same words Follow the script Stay calm Students will: Listen to their teacher Track their behaviour Know that they are in charge of their own behaviour choices Accept consequences
STOP works outside, too You won’t have a poster outside but STOP is the same. Teachers will: Always use the same words Follow the script Stay calm Students will: Listen to their teacher Track their behaviour Know that they are in charge of their own behaviour choices Accept consequences
STOP and THINK in the orange zone. Get back on track. Remember… Stay in the cool zone. This is where you are able to make good behaviour choices. STOP and THINK in the orange zone. Get back on track. In the red zone, kids can’t make good choices. Your teacher will make choices for you: this means Long Time Out.
Where are you on the chart? The poster is a visual reminder to help you see what may happen next if you don’t change your behaviour. You and your teacher will work out how to show where students are on the chart.
Now it’s your turn… How is STOP fair for all students? Who does “time out” help? What does Goldie remind us to do?
At Kincumber Public School we are Safe, Respectful Learners.