Stonehenge Angelina Ivanova Form 8th A English teacher: Lopatina Svetlana Nikolaevna
Purpose: Find out the answer to the main question: "What is Stonehenge, and what is it for?"
objectives: To study the material Identify the different origins of Stonehenge Learn the stages of its construction Unravel the mysteries of Stonehenge destination Make a conclusion
plan: What is Stonehenge? Plan of Stonehenge. The history of it is occurrence. Appointments of Stonehenge. Epilogue.
What is Stonehenge?
Plan of Stonehenge
Some history Stonehenge was built on the stretch of almost two thousand years. This interval is divided into three stages of construction. The first stage - 2100-2000 BC. e . At this time , according to scientists , Stonehenge acquired its present form. Stonehenge was a circular ditch with two rooms and may have served as a cemetery. Second phase of construction - 2000-1550 to n . e . At this time, was laid earthen walkway between the Heel Stone and entrance. Two rings of 80 huge boulders of blue color were built, which probably brought over 320 km from South Wales . In the final phase of construction was carried out permutation megaliths. The third stage - 1550-1100 to n . e . - Of the 19 stones in a horseshoe witty trilitov .
epilogue Stonehenge is a huge panoramic image of the famous stone in our everyday life, but a brand new, in terms of moving into a new cycle of life, the process of formation of the unified consciousness. This set highlights the incredible importance of changing the mode of consciousness to continue living.
Now we can safely answer the two most frequently asked questions about Stonehenge on which mankind has never gоt an answer - "Who made this building?" And "Why?"? Here's the answer. Stonehenge created in order to show us the way to prolong life through the united consciousness before the onset of global cataclysms. This is the great mystery of Stonehenge.
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