This term we have been learning about the Stone Age
In groups we decided what we wanted to find out. We made mind maps to record our questions and ideas. This is a picture of our planning board.
We started our topic by watching The Flintstones. We observed similarities and differences. We asked was prehistoric Britain really like that? We have been learning to perform the Flintstones song and use it to get ready for PE.
We researched our topic and made a word bank of things to do with prehistoric times and created Wordles
In literacy we are reading Stig of the Dump and using it to stimulate our writing. We imagined we were Barney and wrote a diary about our adventures with Stig. We also enjoyed writing scripts and poems and performing them to the class.
We have transformed our book corner . We have tried to made it look like a stig’s cave!
We have covered our topic books with our drawings. We have researched cave drawings and tried to make some of our own. We have covered our topic books with our drawings. We have also created a prehistoric clay figures called The Thinker.
In D & T we have designed and made our own Stig’s den and then evaluated our designs.
We have also designed and made puppets to help us learn Spanish We have also designed and made puppets to help us learn Spanish. We have given them Spanish names and recorded ourselves speaking Spanish
Each day we update El Calendario. To help us learn the days of the week we have been singing La Semana song. Also each week someone gets to take home Juan Pequeño to practice their Spanish.
Our topic in Science is about rocks & fossils. We have been investigating different types of rocks. We carried out an investigation to test the hardness of rocks. We have also made fossils out of quick drying clay.
We have been finding out about volcanoes and made our own volcanoes erupt!
Next week we are going to be finding out about Stonehenge Next week we are going to be finding out about Stonehenge . We will be writing reports and making information leaflets. We have started to make our own Stonehenge to go in our Porthole to the Past.
Thank you for Listening!