Year 3 Home Learning Grid Learning opportunities Non-negotiables Reading Reading or sharing a book everyday for 20minutes. 5 minutes of this should be discussion with an adult. Spellings Spellings are given out on a Friday for each Phonics/spelling group. These must be practised at home daily for the spelling dictation the following Friday. Maths You will be given maths homework on education city based on that week’s learning. Learning opportunities (One of these to be chosen each week. Once handed in, Ms Flefel will highlight it to say it has been completed.) English Write a description about a character from a book that you have read. Write a paragraph about their appearance, their personality and their family. Create a glossary of these words from our topic – century, artefact, archaeology, evidence, AD, BCE, hunter-gatherer, flint and forage. Write a letter to a friend telling them about a day that you spent in the Stone Age. What did you do? What did you learn about? Maths and problem solving Famous timeline – choose 10 famous people throughout history. Create a timeline of their births (make sure you include the dates!) Write a diary entry for one day of your week. Write the time in numbers and in words for each thing that you do. Stone Age people did not understand numbers like we do. Markings in caves could have been used to count. Create your own method of counting using symbols for certain amounts. Science and the outside Write instructions with results telling me how you tested different rocks to see if they are permeable/waterproof (children can borrow rocks from the class, but ask first!) Design Top Trump cards for different types of crystals, gems and rocks. See me for templates. Draw a labelled diagram of a Stone Age shelter (can be the inside). What shape would it be? What materials would you use and why? Topic and PSHCE Be a journalist! Create a report for a magazine explaining why you think Stonehenge was built and why it’s famous. Find out about the animals that lived during the Stone Age. Present the information with drawings. Create a leaflet telling people about a charity of your choice and what they can do to help and support it. Creative Arts What would you eat in the Stone Age? Create a recipe with instructions telling me how you would prepare your meal. Design your own Stone Age outfit. Create your own poster, ensuring that you label what you would make your clothes out of and why. Create a 3D miniature model of your very own Stonehenge. Please take a photo of this to stick in your home learning book.