Dark Web – the modern threat for the Internet Security Alexander Nevalenniy
What is the Dark Web? 1. P2P networks (TOR, I2P) 2. To connect to it you need a special soft or use special settings for your softs 3. Anonymous job 4. Usually it uses non-ICANN addresses and domain names (.onion, .i2p)
TOR. How does it work?
I2P. How does it work?
Statistic about Dark Web. Dark Web is part of Deep Web (closed systems like Digital Banking, etc), and has a small part of last one Deep Web has about 96% information of all the Internet and 500 times larger than it (SANS Institute assessment) That means Dark Web consists about 1 % information of all the Internet. And what kind of information does it have? Drugs Human traffic Illegal porno Terrorist groups’ activity etc.
Increase of non-ICANN domains According to the University of Surrey’s Professor Alan Woodman the number of Tor .onion sites on the dark web spiked to over 60,000 sites from the original 35,000 sites in 2016.
Is it a serious treat? If the Internet consists more 1% of all information related with crimes? Maybe not. However, for example, in 2017 police arrested men in 4$ billion Bitcoin money laundering shame. WannaCry and NotPetya (command servers were on TOR) made damage cost about 5$ billion in 2017 around the world (only one attack). Budget of UN is 5.4$ billion dollars. For example, GDP of Belarus is 50$ billion dollars, GDP of Germany is 3400$ billion dollars. All cyber crimes connected with Dark Web in one year can cost sum of GDP of some countries or US army budget. It is very expensive.
What is the real problem? The Internet has a lot of vulnerabilities connected not with systems, network equipment but with technologies!!! A lot of protocols make good exchange of the data but do not defense the critical system in general. That means we can not identify users just because of weakness of technologies (like NAT, SOCKS5, HTTP, etc.).
How to solve it? Implementation of new RFC. Strict identification of users. Regulation of the Internet.