Anglophone Africa GF CRG Platform Olive Mumba, EANNASO 31st August 2016
About EANNASO EANNASO is a network of national networks of AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) in Eight Eastern Africa Countries, namely: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Rwanda, Ethiopia, S. Sudan. EANNASO secretariat is located in Arusha, Tanzania. EANNASO’s focus is on Health promotion. HIV, TB, SRHR, MNCAH, NCDs – new strategy
About EANNASO Vision is an empowered Civil Society effectively contributing to Eastern Africa region enjoying a quality of life free of the HIV epidemic and its associated impacts. EANNASO mission is building the capacity of CS to effectively contribute to their national responses in ending HIV, TB and other diseases, by enhancing the voice of CSOs and strengthening their institutional and programmatic capacities. EANNASO promotes the engagement of CS in various country, regional and global processes
EANNASO Objectives CSOs in countries in the region manage and drive targeted, innovative and effective programs. (TSC) An enabling HIV policy environment is in place at regional and country levels. (PWP) Improved ability of CS to dialogue and share knowledge related to HIV & TB in the region. (KMLP) There is adequate organizational capacities as the bedrock for sustained and evidence informed delivery. (OD)
Background EANNASO has since 2003 worked towards strengthening the communities’ voices in various national, regional and global platforms. As CSAT the TSC has supported Engagement of CS and community groups during the development of proposals and concept note Participation of CS and CGs on CCMs Accessing to technical assistance by CS in all GF processes including implementation of grants.
The regional Communication and coordination platform Hosts selected for six regions, Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS Service Organizations (EANNASO) International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC-Middle East and North Africa) EECA Consortium Réseau Accès aux Médicaments Essentiels (RAME) Centro Regional de Asistencia Técnica para Latinoamérica y el Caribe - CRAT (Via Libre) Asia Pacific Council of Aids Service organizations (APCASO)
Obj 1: Enhance knowledge of CS and CG on the GF Compile and update list serves of CS &CG in the region Disseminate (by email/web/conference calls/dialogue forums) regular information in appropriate languages. Organize information sharing at relevant regional meetings Ad-hoc, light long-distance support to CS & CG asking for support in developing requests for TA either to the Global Fund or other TA programs
Obj 2: Coordinate with other TA initiatives Provide regular information to other TA initiatives and programs in the region about any planned TA and information activities being conducted by the Regional Platform Compile and disseminate up-to-date information on sources of civil society TA and related tools in the region
Obj 3: Improve understanding of TA/capacity development gaps for CS &CG Conduct national level studies of access to information, TA and capacity development among civil society/communities in a sample of countries in the region; disseminate results and recommendations Coordinate with TA programs and technical partners in the region to conduct periodic reviews of TA effectiveness/reach
Obj 4: Strategic capacity development initiatives Strengthen civil society and community groups capacity to effectively participate in mid-term reviews and national strategic planning and policy processes for HIV, tuberculosis and malaria Support coordination of country civil society / community reviews of Global Fund Concept Notes Initiate a regional CSO/CG/KP regional CCM forum to support in identifying and advocating for key CSO issues related to Global Fund Support to “shadow reporting” of civil society / community participation in Global Fund processes
Strategies utilized One annual regional meeting Documentation - Research and surveys Development of tools, guidelines and frameworks Dissemination of info through physical copies, e-forums and social media Action planning on CS and CG engagement Partnership development with TS providers Online and Physical forums Limitations in translation Limitations in direct provision of TA (brokering and linkages) Limitations in advocacy (EANNASO org component)
EANNASO support to CS implementers Compiled a directory of all CS PRs Developed a list serves of CS (include implementers) to share updated information about the GF and beyond Organize networking and sharing opportunities through physical and e-meetings (CS CCM Forum) Carryout regular needs assessments of CS implementers Develop a list of TA providers and initiatives in the Anglophone countries Support linkages between CS implements and TA providers Compile capacity building tools in the region Non Platform advocacy (as EANNASO)– on issues experienced by CS implementers
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