Academic Success Students with Disabilities Smarthinking Online Tutoring Support Study Skills Resources
ADA Accommodations Process Step One: Student is Admitted to the Program- they must be “otherwise qualified” and have the “ability to benefit.” Step Two: The student must self –identify and request accommodations via the Disability Accommodation Request Form. Step Three: The student must submit documentation that supports their request for Accommodations. Step Four: The student must complete and intake appointment with Academic Success and Advising (Amy Jones) via Phone, Skype or in person. Step Five: A “Blue Sheet” or Accommodations Request form is created listing their accommodations and a PDF is created for the student to use to inform their professors. Step Six: Accommodations details are worked out via the CPP site and the CAPS accommodation team.
ADA Accommodations Process Step One: Student is Admitted to the Program- they must be “otherwise qualified” and have the “ability to benefit.”
ADA Accommodations Process Step Two: The student must self –identify and request accommodations via the Disability Accommodation Request Form.
ADA Accommodations Process Step Three: The student must submit documentation that supports their request for Accommodations. Document or letter from Qualified Diagnosing Professional with diagnosis and accommodation recommendations. COULD include an “IEP” form High School if it has the Diagnosis information. It is important to know that just having an IEP does not always qualify a student for accommodations. Accommodations should be about ACCESS, not supplemental instruction, personal services or learning preferences.
ADA Accommodations Process Step Four: The student must complete and intake appointment with Academic Success and Advising (Amy Jones) via Phone, Skype or in person. This is where we figure out how to accommodate a student so that they are able to reach the stated course objectives. Online classes do have limitations because of their intensive nature. Accommodations cannot create a “lesser learning situation” or a isolate a student from the learning experience.
ADA Accommodations Process Step Five: A “Blue Sheet” or Accommodations Request form is created listing their accommodations and a PDF is created for the student to use to inform their professors.
ADA Accommodations Process Step Six: Accommodations details are worked out via the CPP site and the CAPS accommodation team. The accommodations should be “ready to go” when the class starts. A student can request accommodations at any time, but there is allowance for reasonable time to implement. Accommodations should be an ongoing conversation about access, not a legalistic “standoff” or a “free pass” in a class.
SMARTHINKING Each Student starts with 420 minutes Or 7 hours of tutoring. Average appointments run 15 minutes. Online Writing assignments count toward their minutes. A student can have up to 10 hours no questions asked. Additional hours can be added, depending on availability.
Study Skills Resources
Other Resources OWL: Online Writing Center