Virginia Commonwealth University, Cabell Library Breakout Session 18th Annual ILL Forum Virginia Commonwealth University, Cabell Library July 22nd, 2016 Moderators:
Q6. Under which of the following restrictions would your institution loan conditionally? Would your institution cancel a loan?
Q8. Do you borrow:
Q8. Do you borrow:
Q8. Do you borrow:
Q8. Do you borrow:
Q11. How is your institution handling staffing vacancies/shortages in ILL department? *Those that marked “other” primarily were fully staffed.
Q16. When does your institution bill for lost ILL materials? Other responses: We have no timeline. We only bill once we speak to the borrowing institution and they say they can't get the item back. After 90 days Hasn’t happened We don’t have many lost items *No respondent marked “we do not bill”.
Q18. When a patron orders an article that is already available at your library, do you…