Elizabeth Harkness Trajectory Design Group Contact Preliminary Trajectory Model: Vertical Launch AAE 450 Spring 2008
Comparison of Launch System Performance Comparison of altitudes using vertical launch trajectory. -Plot generated by: Elizabeth Harkness -From code generated by: Junichi Kanehara and Amanda Briden -with assistance from: AAE 450 Spring 2008 Trajectory Optimization
Comparison of Launch System Performance I.C.s1 thmax hmax % Improvement from Ground Ground hi = 0 km vi = 0 m/s 1707 s 4372 km NA Balloon hi = 30.5 km 1791 s 4686 km 7.2 % Aircraft hi = 16.8 km vi = 56.58 m/s 1821 s 4786 km 9.5 % 1. Initial conditions for Balloon and Aircraft Launches found in cited articles. AAE 450 Spring 2008 Trajectory Optimization
Model Assumptions Values input into code are from Vanguard data Table 20. Payload of 100 lbs, orbit at 180 statute miles. All stages are modelled vertically. Poor assumption Does not take into account the lengthy portion of trajectory through the atmosphere. Preliminary test of trajectory code and comparison of three of the launch methods AAE 450 Spring 2008
Trajectory Optimization References Heister, S., “AAE 539 atmosphere4” [https://engineering.purdue.edu/AAE/Academics/Courses/aae539/2008/std.%20atmosphere%20matlab%20code%20for%20HW1%20Prob2.] Howell, K., “AAE 340 Dynamics and Vibrations," Numerical Integration and Spherical Coordinates, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2006. Klauans, B., and Raughards, J., “The Vanguard Satellite Launching Vehicle An Engineering Summary," The Martin Company, Engineering Report No. 11022, Baltimore, MD, April 1960. (pp.170) Kloster, K., and Longuski, J., Personal Conversation, January 15-16, 2008. Longuski, J., “AAE 508 Optimization in Aerospace Engineering Lectures," Lecture #10, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2008, pp. 62. Wade, M., “Cape Canaveral," Encyclopedia Astronautica. [http://www.astronautix.com/sites/capveral.htm. Accessed 1/16/08.] AAE 450 Spring 2008 Trajectory Optimization