Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing book by Judy Blume Report by Mrs. Tilicki’s Class
Picture of the Book https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Ft-IW0S4L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
Recommendation I think everyone should read this book because it is entertaining and fun. Fourth graders can connect to it because of their baby brothers or sisters. It is very funny and relaxing! You should especially read the book if you like little kids. I loved this book because I have a little brother and he wants to play with my pet. Like the book, my brother gets into my school things or draws on my homework. I laughed so hard.
Books by Judy Blume The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo The Pain and The Great One Freckle Juice Soupy Saturdays with the Pain & the Great One Cool Zone with the Pain & the Great One Going, Going, Gone! with the Pain & the Great One Friend or Fiend? with the Pain & the Great One Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Superfudge Fudge-a-mania Double Fudge Iggie's House Blubber Starring Sally J. Freedman As Herself It's Not the End of the World Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Then Again, Maybe I Won't Deenie Just As Long As We're Together Here's to You, Rachel Robinson Tiger Eyes Forever Letters to Judy: What Your Kids Wish They Could Tell You
Five Word Summary Hilarious Exciting Spectacular LOL Fudgetastic
Farley Drexel Hatcher Fudge is my favorite character because he was funny, interesting and goofy. The funniest part was when Fudge wanted to fly and jumped off the playground jungle gym only to land on his face and swallow his two front teeth!
Genre The genre is realistic fiction because it is a story that can happen but is made up. The characters are kids like me who go through things I go through. For example, Peter has a project that he has to work on with other kids and there is a girl in the group who drives him batty!
Author’s Purpose The reason Judy Blume wrote this book is to entertain! I laughed when the little girl, Jenny wet her pants which was so funny, I had to stop reading to laugh!