Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy State of Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy Presented by: Jim Sullivan, Delaware DNREC October 5, 2017 Please enter jurisdiction name (and agency logo/s)
Delaware-specific Considerations Delaware portion is about 1% of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 3 counties, all partially in the watershed. 9 municipalities fully within the watershed, 4 partially in. 4 municipalities have a connection to a creek or a river. 1 county and 1 municipality have current MS4 permits. 2 more municipalities identified. What are the unique characteristics of your jurisdiction as it relates to the challenge of effectively engaging local governments in your Phase III WIP development? For example, What is the relative importance of local government in achieving pollutant reduction targets in your jurisdiction? What do you need from local governments during WIP development and implementation? What information do local government officials and staff need to be effective partners in WIP development? Implementation? What is your timeline for communication and engagement? Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Engagement and Communication Goals It is Delaware’s desire to satisfy EPA expectations regarding local engagement. Hopefully we will have a clearer picture of what that is when EPA draft planning targets and final expectations are released. Working with the counties and municipalities individually, we aim to identify what pollution reduction has been done and what efforts they need assistance with. Engagement = 2-way exchange; Communication = 1-way What does your jurisdiction hope to achieve by implementing this local engagement strategy? Examples may include: Satisfy EPA Expectations regarding local engagement. Increase public conversation about the need for reduced pollution. Communicate key policy and technical decisions related to the WIPs, including timing and impact of model Raise public awareness of WIP development and Bay restoration efforts Identify what pollution reduction is already being done Identify gaps and strategies to fill gaps that might yield multiple benefits Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Engagement and Communication Goals Increase public conversation about the need for reduced pollution through continued outreach and communication efforts. Continue to raise public awareness of WIP development and Bay restoration efforts through videos, social media, events, presentations and workshops. Engagement = 2-way exchange; Communication = 1-way What does your jurisdiction hope to achieve by implementing this local engagement strategy? Examples may include: Satisfy EPA Expectations regarding local engagement. Increase public conversation about the need for reduced pollution. Communicate key policy and technical decisions related to the WIPs, including timing and impact of model Raise public awareness of WIP development and Bay restoration efforts Identify what pollution reduction is already being done Identify gaps and strategies to fill gaps that might yield multiple benefits Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Engagement and Communication Goals There has been a review of each county and municipal local land use ordinances to identify barriers to implementing Low Impact Development and conservation design techniques. Continue working with counties and municipalities to assist in the removal of barriers noted from the review. We will be working with our trusted partners and our LGAC representative on a series of meetings with the counties and municipalities. Engagement = 2-way exchange; Communication = 1-way What does your jurisdiction hope to achieve by implementing this local engagement strategy? Examples may include: Satisfy EPA Expectations regarding local engagement. Increase public conversation about the need for reduced pollution. Communicate key policy and technical decisions related to the WIPs, including timing and impact of model Raise public awareness of WIP development and Bay restoration efforts Identify what pollution reduction is already being done Identify gaps and strategies to fill gaps that might yield multiple benefits Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Engagement and Communication Goals Development of a needs assessment and a municipal engagement / communications logic model for each of the counties and municipalities to assess the resources local officials will require to increase implementation of water quality best management practices in their jurisdiction. Engagement = 2-way exchange; Communication = 1-way What does your jurisdiction hope to achieve by implementing this local engagement strategy? Examples may include: Satisfy EPA Expectations regarding local engagement. Increase public conversation about the need for reduced pollution. Communicate key policy and technical decisions related to the WIPs, including timing and impact of model Raise public awareness of WIP development and Bay restoration efforts Identify what pollution reduction is already being done Identify gaps and strategies to fill gaps that might yield multiple benefits Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Target Audiences General Public – Inform and engage. Local Elected Officials – Work with Commissioners, Council and committees during municipal comprehensive plan review for proactive planning. Work with Local Elected Officials to assist in the removal of barriers noted from the review of local land use ordinances. Local Government Staff – Meeting with staff to take advantage of state loan / grant funding. Describe the specific audiences you need to target, e.g. local leaders (officials and other leaders), local government staff (practitioners), associations of municipalities and counties, technical service providers, soil and water conservation districts) Briefly explain the role of each target audience in your process. Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Key Messages Local governments can take credit for practices and programs they are already doing Local governments need to identify what resources they need so assistance can be given. Communities benefit economically and environmentally when local waterways and ground water are clean. What are the topics that are most important to communicate in your jurisdiction? Examples may include: Communities benefit economically and environmentally when local waterways are clean Local governments should be actively involved in Phase III WIPs so they can tie-in their own local priorities and constraints Local governments need to identify what resources they need so the Bay Program partnership can help Local governments can take credit for practices and programs they are already doing The Bay Model has improved, reflecting more refined local land use data Tools are available to help implementation planning and decision-making processes for BMP funding, targeting, and implementation Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Key Messengers/Trusted Sources Kent Conservation District New Castle Conservation District Sussex Conservation District Delaware Nature Society – communication and engagement Nanticoke Watershed Alliance – communication and engagement Delaware Forest Service University of Delaware Cooperative Extension List the entities that you will enlist to help you implement this strategy and note whether they’ve committed to assisting with communication and engagement or not. Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Roles, Resources, and Capacity It is Delaware’s desire to satisfy EPA expectations regarding local engagement. Delaware is looking forward in continuing the education of local governments and the general public on the benefits of clean water through various outreach methods. Briefly describe the role of federal, state, regional and local partners in the development and implementation of your WIP Identify any gaps in resources available to you to implement your local engagement strategy Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Roles, Resources, and Capacity Kent Conservation District – Ag community New Castle Conservation District - Ag community Sussex Conservation District - Ag community Delaware Nature Society – communication and engagement on Urban Sector Nanticoke Watershed Alliance – communication and engagement on Ag and Urban sectors Delaware Forest Service - Ag and Urban sectors University of Delaware Cooperative Extension – Ag and Urban sectors Briefly describe the role of federal, state, regional and local partners in the development and implementation of your WIP Identify any gaps in resources available to you to implement your local engagement strategy Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Roles, Resources, and Capacity 2017 DNREC Outreach and Communication Ag week healthy soil presentation – video production Social media Facebook page State Fair exhibits (floating wetlands, rain barrels, shellfish, indicators, find your watershed) Creek Watchers Promotional video Briefly describe the role of federal, state, regional and local partners in the development and implementation of your WIP Identify any gaps in resources available to you to implement your local engagement strategy Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Roles, Resources, and Capacity 2017 DNREC Outreach and Communication cont. Reclaim Our River Program Delmarva Broadcasting Radio Advertising Campaign (Livable lawns, Pet Waste Management, Healthy Soils Practices, Gardening for Pollinators). Database of available funding resources and sources available online. DNREC Mobile Science Lab for school children. Briefly describe the role of federal, state, regional and local partners in the development and implementation of your WIP Identify any gaps in resources available to you to implement your local engagement strategy Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy
Roles, Resources, and Capacity DNREC will continue in the development of hand outs and videos as communication tools in support of water quality. DNREC will continue to evaluate the local government engagement effort and adjust accordingly. DNREC will continue to seek opportunities to partner with counties and municipalities on grant funding. Briefly describe the role of federal, state, regional and local partners in the development and implementation of your WIP Identify any gaps in resources available to you to implement your local engagement strategy Enter jurisdiction name Delaware Local Government Engagement and Communication Strategy