Testing the Attitudes of Fishers towards Conservation E.N.S. Silva, A. Rajasuriya & S. Sosai 3rd National Symposium on the Marine Environment BMICH 17 October 2017 International Union for Conservation of Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature Introduction This study was conducted under the GEF Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project . It was conducted in the Mannar District within the dugong and seagrass project area. The dugong is a migratory species and listed as Vulnerable (VU) in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (In the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay it may be critically endangered). The dugong is protected in Sri Lanka (Fauna & Flora Protection Act & Fisheries Act) and in India (Wildlife Protection Act). Populations are declining due to hunting, entanglement in fishing gear, bottom trawling and loss of habitat. There is a need to establish areas for the protection of the dugong and its habitat (seagrass meadows). This study was done to obtain views of fishermen prior to declaration of marine protected areas (MPAs) to protect the dugong and conserve seagrass meadows. Images: LauraD/Shutterstock.com., http://www.vliz.be/projects/marineworldheritage/Features/images%20feature5e/Picture%202.png http://www.thehindu.com/multimedia/dynamic/02325/27feb_rmdwscns2_MA_2325484f.jpg International Union for Conservation of Nature
GEF Dugong and Seagrass Project area
International Union for Conservation of Nature Overview of the Study Interviews were conducted along the coast of Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar using a semi-structured questionnaire with 82 questions covering the following: Demography Awareness on conservation Willingness to conserve marine resources and protect the dugong Constraints to conservation and management of resources Fisheries information such as target species Fishing areas Observations on dugong No of respondents: 42 International Union for Conservation of Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature Interview Locations International Union for Conservation of Nature Photos: Arjan Rajasuriya & ENS Silva
Age and period of fishing Majority have been fishing for 11 to 20 years Majority were between 26 to 55 years old Sample size: 42 male fishermen Photo: Arjan Rajasuriya International Union for Conservation of Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature Level of education Sample size: 42 male fishermen Photo: Arjan Rajasuriya International Union for Conservation of Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature Income Sources Types of part time jobs Labor work Driving Farming NGO work The majority were not involved in other occupations Sample size: 42 male fishermen Photo: Arjan Rajasuriya International Union for Conservation of Nature
Responses on Fisheries Resources Sample size: 42 male fishermen International Union for Conservation of Nature
Sample size: 42 male fishermen
Sample size: 42 male fishermen
Responses on who is in a better position to protect the resources? 65% stated that fishers are positioned best to look after the resources Sample size: 42 male fishermen Photos: Arjan Rajasuriya & ARM Haleem International Union for Conservation of Nature
Responses on the reasons for poor management and declining resources International Union for Conservation of Nature
Fishing areas of the communities sampled in this study in relation to the main areas of dugong sightings / dugong killing and bycatch. Data sources: CMS – UNEP Dugong survey report (2014), ORCA data (2015,2016,2017) and IUCN data (2015,2016 & 2017)
International Union for Conservation of Nature Conclusions The community was well aware of the status of the resources including the dugong. The majority was aware that resources are declining and that they will not be able to continue fishing for long. The communities were willing to protect the resources if they are taken on board in management initiatives. They were also willing to support conservation initiatives. Selection of sites for the declaration of MPAs should be done in collaboration with the communities. Responsible government agencies must work together to protect the resources. Authorities should engage communities and make them partners in management and responsibility should be shared (co-management). Existing fisheries regulations should be implemented without delay in order to save remaining marine resources. International Union for Conservation of Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature Acknowledgements GEF (Global Environmental Facility) UN Environment MBZSCF (Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund) Dugong and Seagrass Project partners DWC (Department of Wildlife Conservation) NARA (National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency) SLTCP (Sri Lanka Turtle Conservation Project) ORCA (Ocean Resources Conservation Association) BEAR (Biodiversity Education And Research) International Union for Conservation of Nature
Thank you http://4.bp.blogspot.com/NDAK3wsM50M/UBtT9e6yd0I/AAAAAAAANpM/5Rxew1dw_gw/s1600/Dugong5.jpg