CEVEC Community Living Skills BY: Jennifer Rose
CLS: Mission The purpose of CEVEC’s Community Living house is to help students become more independent whether they decide to move out or live at home as a contributing member of their household. We do this at a house in Mayfield Village and by accessing community resources.
HOUSEHOLD TASKS Sweeping Mopping Dishes Cleaning the bathroom Dusting Taking out trash Windex Vacuuming Yardwork
Social Make friends and have fun Learn social etiquette Explore and plan recreational activities Discuss expected and unexpected behaviors Play games Write thank you notes
MONEY Purchasing in the Community Counting money Making change Figuring a tip at a restaurant Paying bills/writing checks
Community Access Library Home Depot Metroparks Shopping at Target/Heinens Post office Bank Gym Finding an apartment Visit hospital RTA
KITCHEN SKILLS Menu planning Grocery shopping Cooking Nutrition Kitchen Safety Table Manners Hosting a party
Personal Care Dressing appropriately Hygiene Laundry Folding and organizing Ironing and mending
Assessment & Documentation We assess the students, collect data and grade them on a 4 point rubric or on their individual IEP goals. Students are given weekly tasks to practice their skills at home. Our power standards include : Safety Following directions Communication /social skills Initiative