Dark Matter in the Universe physics beyond the standard model


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Presentation transcript:

Dark Matter in the Universe physics beyond the standard model why not neutrinos how to detect Dark Matter particles Josef Jochum Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics

many astrophysical observations point to Dark Matter ? orbital motion around Galaxies or motion of galaxies in galaxy clusters too fast gravity potential and distribution of visible matter do not coincide light deflection shows higher gravity potentials than expected from visible matter http://inspirehep.net/record/1082173/files/bullet1.png

Anisotropy of Comsic Microwave Background 2009 2001 Tü Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe

Cosmic Microwave Background CMB Universe transparent Universe not transparent Neutrinomasse !! Foto: Franko Fürstenhoff http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/display/19133095

tiny anisotropy ~ dT / T ~ 10-5 shows density variation CMB measurement perfect black body T = 2.73K tiny anisotropy ~ dT / T ~ 10-5 shows density variation at (re)-combination p + e- H + g CMB: t = 380.000 years z = 1100 ; T ~ 3000K; kT ~ 0,3 eV Universe was 1100 times smaller scale factor: R = 1 today, R = 1 / 1100 at (re)-combination Tü

shows the oscillation modes which are at maximum compression or compression and decompression peaks Power Spectrum shows the oscillation modes which are at maximum compression or maximum expansion at the time of (re)combination

did this anisotropy grow to todays structure ?

Structure Formation in the Universe density r; pressure p, speed v, gravity potential F continuity eq. Euler eq. Poisson eq. density contrast variation average density =

Structure Formation in the Universe density r; pressure p, speed v, gravity potential F continuity eq. no structure growth as long as particles are relativistic kT > mc2 Euler eq. once density contrast d grows, it grows like the scale factor d ~ R ~ 1/T d x 1100 since (re)combination today 2,7K – recomb ~ 3000 K Poisson eq. density contrast variation average density =

Structure Formation in the Universe density r; pressure p, speed v, gravity potential F continuity eq. linearisation: r0 etc. homogeneous r1 (x,t) etc. small disturbation Euler eq. Poisson eq. density contrast

Structure Formation in the Universe density r; pressure p, speed v, gravity potential F “wave eq“ with gravity sound speed

Structure Formation in the Universe density r; pressure p, speed v, gravity potential F “wave eq“ with gravity pressure term sound speed

Structure Formation in the Universe density r; pressure p, speed v, gravity potential F “wave eq“ with gravity densitiy only oscillates no structure growth as long as pressure term is large >

Structure Formation in the Universe pressure term needs to be small or disappearing < structure growth (growth of d) only at scales larger than Jeans length lJ

Structure Formation in the Universe structure growth (growth of d) only if => expansion of the Universe for relativistic matter or matter coupled to radiation (ionized, plasma) Vs ~ C

Structure Formation in the Universe structure growth (growth of d) only if => expansion of the Universe for relativistic matter or matter coupled to radiation (ionized, plasma) Vs ~ C no structure growth at all horizon ct t

Structure Formation in the Universe structure growth (growth of d) only if => expansion of the Universe no structure growth at all horizon ct Universe cools down when kT< mc2 or gas gets neutral only then structure growth can start when pressure term disappears t

Structure Formation in the Universe no structure growth before (re)-combination p + e- => H + g (comsic microwave background) as long as particles are relativistic kT > mc2 d pressure vanishes t (re) combination , CMB

since (re)combination Structure Formation in the Universe in a matter dominated Universe plug in R ~ t 2/3 Ansatz d ~ t n d ~ t 2/3 density contrast grows like the scale factor d ~ R d x 1100 since (re)combination taking into account the expansion of the Universe R: scalefactor if defined =1 today, was 1/1000 at (re)combination)

particles without electromagnetic interaction observed anisotropy of 10-5 by far too small 10-5 x 1100 10-2 ??? was there a 100 x larger anisotropy we cannot see in the CMB ? if yes, then made out of particles without electromagnetic interaction otherewise we would see it in CMB Dark Matter

Neutrinos there are 336 neutrinos / cm-3 left from Big Bang could be a considerable contribution to Dark Matter   100% of dark matter if ~ 10 eV

Structure Formation in the Universe d (re) combination , CMB Baryons (p,n,e-, H, He) Dark Matter the only non electromagnetic particles in the standard model are Neutrinos BUT: Neutrinos still relativistic at (re)combination ( kT ~ 0,3 eV ) cannot form structure too big dark matter is not made out of (light) neutrinos / hot dark matter we need cold dark matter or at least warm dark matter (> ~ keV mass)

Neutrinos there are 336 neutrinos / cm-3 left from Big Bang could be a considerable contribution to Dark Matter   100% of dark matter if ~ 10 eV but: they are too light look at structure in the Universe to get limits on  

Structure Formation in the Universe too big the relic neutrino density is given as heavier the light neutrinos are as larger their contribution to hot dark matter small scale structures are supressed

Neutrinos Wn mni limits on

Structure Formation in the Universe d (re) combination , CMB Baryons (p,n,e-, H, He) Dark Matter can we see this dark matter ? yes

compression peaks stronger expansion peaks weaker charged particles (p, e-) oscillate in a background non-oscillating gravity field made from neutral particles, which started structure formation much earlier

compression peaks stronger expansion peaks weaker charged particles (p, e-) oscillate in a background non-oscillating gravity field made from neutral particles, which started structure formation much earlier

? ? ? ? p u d e- ne new particles beyond the standard model WIMP weakly interacting heavy ( > ~ keV) many ideas : sterile keV neutrinos Axions Supersymmetry …. 100 GeV - ~ 1000 GeV mass range is “quite natural“ accelerator bounds thermodynamics during big bang or ~ 5GeV if it shares matter-antimatter asymmetry ( mc ~ WDM / Wp,n ) ? u p ? d ? e- ne ? WIMP weakly interacting massive particle new particles beyond the standard model

Direct Dark Matter Search – (near) future CRESST 1t scale liquid Xenon detectors running XENON 1t LZ coming Cryogenics: EDELWEISS and CRESST continue running SuperCDMS funded worldwide cooperation SuperCDMS XENON 1T sensitivity at low and high WIMP masses will improve in case of discovery: good possibilities for multitarget confirmation might turn into neutrino detection

LHC DM Searches remarkable progress x 1000 improvement in sensitivity in 10 yrs present best sensitivities (for spin independent WIMP scattering) cryogenic liquid Xenon + other techniques (doing better for spin dependent WIMP scattering) we have different techniques with promising sensitivity simultaneously LHC is running and will march upward in mass spin independent interaction This is just a summary of what the various sensitivites mean. There are rather few events to be detected at the 10E-10 pb level. spin dependent interaction

Dark Matter and Neutrinos (re) combination , CMB Baryons (p,n,e-, H, He) Dark Matter there are 336 neutrinos / cm-3 left from Big Bang could be a considerable contribution to Dark Matter CMB anisotropy observations and structure formation show Dark Matter is non-electromagnetic non-relativistic long before (re)combiantion mass >~ keV study of large scale structure allows to set limits on direct search 0.1 GeV to ~ 1000 GeV This is just a summary of what the various sensitivites mean. There are rather few events to be detected at the 10E-10 pb level.