T-Shirts It’s global impact
Video and Reaction You will see a five videos following a the making of a simple T-Shirt For each video you need to record two facts and a question. Cotton, Machines, People, Boxes, You After the videos you will write a short three paragraph paper about one of the following. (Use One-Chunk) The People: Are we providing opportunity or taking advantage of the situation in third world countries? What has driven people to people to work 6 days/ week to earn some of the lowest wages in the world? What more needs to be done to improve the lives of workers in Bangladesh and what does it have to do with the price of our t-shirt? The cotton: GMO, impact of engineer, programmer, … The machines: Impact of engineer/programmer/worker The Boxes : Roles of engineer/programmer/shipper Go to http://apps.npr.org/tshirt/ for the videos and additional information. Turn it in as yournameTshirtReaction Countries involved Columbia: Doris, almost $320/month, supports herself and her mother, Indonesia Bangladesh 6 days/ week $80/month 4 million people work in the garment industry, social upheaval, more risks and possibilities. Sends most of her $ back to her family. Providing opportunities or taking advantage of the situation. Costs: Shipping to US: $0.07 Shipping within US: $0.60 Design: $0.90 Total cost to retailer: $2.70