Nurturing Parenting Program Week 2: Nurturing Parenting; Children’s brain development Facilitator: Alicia Phone: (916) 290-8255 Date/time: Monday & Friday 1-3 pm video
WELCOME AND CHECK IN “To nurture is to promote growth and development of all of one’s positive traits, qualities, and characteristics. To nurture is to respect and care for yourself, for others and for your environment.” What Nurturing Parenting skill do you feel is your strongest? Give them each the chance to talk about which one of these is their strongest if they want to Attachment Empathy Discipline Expressing Feelings Gentle Touch Expectations Nurturing Yourself Table of Contents
WEEK 2 - COMPETENCIES Parents are able to describe the seven concepts and practices of Nurturing Parenting. Parents are able to assess the degree of skill and ability in each of the seven nurturing parenting areas. Parents are able to define their philosophy of parenting. Parents increase their understanding that children’s brains are shaped in the manner in which they are treated growing up. Parents understand the importance of the “critical windows of brain development.” Table of Contents
NURTURING PARENTING CONCEPTS ATTACHMENT Having unconditional love for your children. EMPATHY Helping children meet their physical as well as their emotional needs. NURTURING YOURSELF Finding time for themselves as individuals and as couples. GENTLE TOUCH Massaging children, holding them and rocking them. DISCIPLINE Techniques other than spanking and yelling at kids. EXPRESSING FEELINGS Being able to express their feelings in appropriate ways. EXPECTATIONS OF SELF AND CHILDREN Having appropriate expectations of themselves and their children.
CHILDREN’S BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Child Development and Trauma. I hope these are helpful.
CHILDREN’S BRAIN DEVELOPMENT GOAL: to increase parents’ ability to promote healthy brain development in their children. Three Major Concepts Children's brain are a work in progress. How they develop depends to a large extent on the experiences they have growing up. There are prime times called, “critical windows” when parts of children’s brain acquire certain skills. Parents play a major role in affecting the way children’s brains develop by the parenting practices they use, and the way they treat their children. Children’s brains develop through nature (genes) and nurture (experiences). It is important to know when the critical windows happen so that we can promote healthy growth. If we model nurturing parenting with our children then they will grow up to be nurturing parents themselves.
CHILDREN’S BRAIN DEVELOPMENT (draw/takes notes along with me) The brain is made up of five major parts: Brainstem – Responsible for our heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and other bodily functions. Cerebellum – Responsible for balance and movements such as dancing, kicking a ball, and coordination. Midbrain – Responsible for sleep, appetite, and general movement. Limbic System – Responsible for emotions and long-term memories. Cortex – Responsible for hearing, speech, language development, problem solving and other complex “thinking” functions. Primary motor cortex Primary Somatosensory cortex Premotor cortex Primary auditory cortex Color! Limbic System Midbrain Primary visual cortez Cerebellum Brain Stem Spinal Cord
CHILDREN’S BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Critical Windows of Development: VISION Birth to 6 Months What can you do to stimulate a baby’s vision? VOCABULARY & SPEECH Birth to 3 years What can you do to enhance your child’s vocabulary? EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Birth to 18 months What can you do to enhance your child’s emotional development? LOGIC AND MATH One to 4 years What can you do to enhance your child’s logical and mathematical development? Vision: Have them give examples Hold your baby so they can look around Hang mobiles above your baby’s bed so they can look at something Decorate babys room with colorful objects- high contrasting colors. …. NOT TV (overwhelming) Vocab. & Speech: have them give examples Talk to your child in full sentences Read Use animated, fun, high pitched voice when talking Sing to your baby When you are with your baby explain the things that you are doing and what is going on around you. Emotional Development: have them give examples Pick up your baby when they cry. Talk to him. Comfort him. Reasure them. Babies enjoy having same ppl in their lives every day. Stick to same caregiver as much as possible. Establish nurturing parenting routines. Babys love consistency Logic & Math: have them give examples Infants begin to become aware of cause and effect, location and function of objects, very early in life Explain purpose of household items. Turn on and off light switches. Open/ close containers. Help children explore their environment in a safe way.
WHAT EVERY CHILD NEEDS (handout) Interaction Touch Stable Relationships Safe, Healthy Relationships Positive Self-Esteem Quality Care Play Communication Music Reading Table of Contents
CLOSING ACTIVITIES Home Practice Competencies Do something to nurture yourself Competencies
NEXT CLASS Friday, March 17th Nurturing as a Lifestyle; Building Parent-Child Bonding and Attachment