Design a School Library Reading PBL #1
The Problem The principal has decided that your school library needs to be completely redesigned, updated, and turned into an amazing learning environment. The Board of Education is asking that students take an active role in designing the library, and they want you to give it a shot! Take this opportunity to redesign your school’s library and think about how it would help students learn. You will focus on books, technology, work space, furniture, and more. Be imaginative, think outside the box, and create something wonderful!
Existing Layout Before you begin, sketch the layout of the current library including learning areas, doors, technology, and other features. Use graph paper. This should be an overhead view- like blueprints.
Stay or Go?!? Take a closer look at your school’s library. What are three things you really like about your library and why? What are three things you would like to see removed from your library and why?
Brainstorm the Space Work Space Furniture Technology Books
Books, Series, Magazines, Comics, OH MY! List 8 novel series you would have in your library List 8 magazines you would have in your library List 8 comic/graphic novels you would have in your library List 8 picture books you would have in your library
Technology Pick the 5 most important items you feel are the most important to have in your library. Think carefully about what these technology resources would be used for and who could use them.
Comfortable Learning Your learning space is important. You need to be comfortable and be allowed to collaborate with others. What furniture items would you need to include?
Design Elements Learning spaces are different in every library because each one has different design elements. As you design the space think about elements you would like to include. *textures- flooring, carpet, walls *focal points- murals? *colors- painting walls, shelves *theme- the whole library, characters?, areas
Library Blueprints Draw the layout of the new library using graph paper. It will be an overhead view. Use colors and details. Take your time! Blueprints are very detailed and very specific. Include all materials you have been making decisions about. You must label your blueprint with at least ten items and provide a key.
The Reason Why Every decision you made while designing this library was your choice. Write about the reasons why you chose to make the library the way you did. What influenced your decisions? Would you change anything?