OSHC Consultancy Project


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Presentation transcript:

OSHC Consultancy Project Report 7 Part 1 OSHC Consultancy Project 3 Aug, 2012 Guo Yueping, Jackie

Field study

Construction site and workers’ existing clothing

Uniform provided by company T-shirt No trousers

Samples of uniform provided by Sun Hung Kai

Environmental data

Collection of questionnaires and physiological data Date: 1 August 2012 Field study site: Yuen Long CDA15 Subjects: 12 construction workers Title of questionnaire: 酷熱天氣下個人冷卻設備預防工人中暑的效力研究 Collection: 12 sets of data

Procedure of clean the vests and ice pads

Part 2 Anti heat stress clothing for construction workers in hot and humid weather

Collection of questionnaires Date: 1 August 2012 Field study site: Yuen Long CDA15 Subjects: construction workers including engineer and site officer, total 14 workers Title of questionnaire: 建築工人工作服的防護性能、穿著方便和舒適度的問卷調查 Collection: 14 nos. feedback

Objective measurement -basic characters (1) 1. Weight (g/100 cm2) Experimental procedure i) cut 10 pieces of rounded fabric, each piece is 100 cm2 ii) measure the weight of each piece Tool: Circular Cutter (Schroder GSM); Electronic scale (Smart Grid, METTLER TOLEDO)

Objective measurement -basic characters (2) 2. Thickness (mm) Experimental procedure i) select a piece of flat fabric, about 10×10 cm2; ii) measure the thickness on 10 different places of that piece of fabric Tool: Thickness apparatus (AMES-SDL).

Objective measurement -basic characters (3) Air permeability Experimental procedure i) cut 10 pieces of rounded fabric, each piece is 100 cm2 ii) measure 10 times of air permeability Equipment: Automatic Air-permeability Tester (KES-f8-AP1, KATO TECH CO.LTD)

* The “gray, KT 12703#20” is extremely impermeable because the equipment cannot measure it.