2-10-16 Preparing for a Socratic Seminar What information confirmed or changed your ideas about fast food?
2-10-16 Preparing for Your Seminar Points to Ponder as you prepare: Use the first white sheet to plan your discussion. This is an informational discussion of the causes and effects of students dropping out of school. Your tasks are to… GIVE information one piece at a time. LISTEN for someone to respond to your contribution. LISTEN as someone gives information. RESPOND thoughtfully in agreement, disagreement, or with an alternative viewpoint. Turn this in today so that I can grade it before tomorrow’s Socratic Seminar.
2-10-16 Socratic Seminar Question Stems Use these sheets to keep the discussion going: During the discussion there may be downtime. Use this to further the discussion. Use these stems to consider: What has not been said, what still needs to be said, what will promote good ideas? ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION ___________________________ USING A STEM TO INTERRUPT PROPOSING A GENUINE SOLUTION TO THE CONSEQUENCES OF DROPPING OUT PROPOSING A GENUINE SOLUTION TO STUDENT DROP OUT PREVENTION RESTATING A POINT THAT HAS BEEN MADE IN A DIFFERENT WAY USING A SOCRATIC QUESTION STEM
Journal Entries Each journal entry must have the following… Date 2-10-16 Journal Entry #1 A full-page of your writing, in normal-size handwriting… xxxx xxx xxx xxx xx x xx x x x x xxxxxx xxx x x xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xx xxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxx xx x xx x x x x xxxxxx xxx x x xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xx xxx xxx x xxxx xxx xxx xxx xx x xx x x x x xxxxxx xxx x x xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xx xxx xxx x xxxx xxx xxx xxx xx x xx x x x x xxxxxx xxx x x xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xx xxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxx xx x xx x x x x xxxxxx xxx x x Each journal entry must have the following… Each journal is worth 15 points Journal # Date Full page of writing Title Word Count at the bottom of the page Title of your masterpiece: _____________ WC ___
Journal Entry Rubric Content Voice Rules 5 The journal is well thought out, honest, and creative. The entry is emotionally deep. The entry is engaging, honest and legible. The questions and answers are included. The entry has few grammar and spelling mistakes. There are no fragments or run-on sentences. 3 The journal entry is honest, creative, but lacks diving deep. The journal entry is honest and engaging. The entry includes the answers, but not the re-written questions. The journal entry has noticeable grammar and spelling mistakes. 1 The journal entry lacks honesty and creativity. There are one word answers. The journal entry lacks honesty, hard to read, and is rambling. The questions are not re-written and the answers are hard to follow. The journal entry is difficult to read due to too many errors in grammar.
Finish Collaborative Discussion Cards. Complete Photo Journal #11.