KSC E-Portal Online Trade Database www.kenyashippers.org/e-portal.html Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners KSC E-Portal Online Trade Database www.kenyashippers.org/e-portal.html Regional Training workshop on INCOTERMS 10TH – 11TH Nov 2011 Hilton Hotel Taigu Muchiri, Web Content Officer, KSC www.kenyashippers.org
Vision: To Achieve Global Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners In this Presentation; Current trading scenario What is the E-Portal Challenges that the E-Portal will address E-portal target Audience What kind of information is hosted on the Portal Finding information on the Portal KSC current and future interventions www.kenyashippers.org
How it is currently done Start Place order with supplier Supplier Receives Order Appoint Clearing and Forwarding Agent Receipt of Documents Payment to Bank Goods verified and certified by customs Released to regulatory bodies Port Charges Paid Goods Released Prepares Documents www.kenyashippers.org
Contact with several Agencies www.kenyashippers.org
Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners What is the E-Portal It is a database of rules, regulations, procedures and practices for importing /exporting a product within East Africa. The value chains on the e-portal was informed by a mapping exercise conducted by KSC. Content specific information www.kenyashippers.org
Challenges the Eportal will address Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners Challenges the Eportal will address Easy access of information. Wider reach of various audiences. Facilitate the trade process. Eportal is a business solution as opposed to an ICT solution. www.kenyashippers.org
Advantages of the System Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners Advantages of the System Provides the custom, Excise and VAT values that apply to various products. Feedback where users query on product specific information Content filter according to country, organization. Link to the relevant regulatory bodies. www.kenyashippers.org
E-Portal Target Audience Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners E-Portal Target Audience Clearing and Forwarding agents Members Logistics Managers Importers and Exporters Traders who would like to venture into the business www.kenyashippers.org
Information Hosted on the Portal Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners Information Hosted on the Portal Documents: These are required by the relevant regulatory bodies e.g. KRA, KEBS, KEPHIS, licensing authorities Rules and Regulations: Laws that are governing the importation and exportation of products. Procedures and Practice: A step by step procedure that the trader needs to follow while importing or exporting a product. Taxes: It indicates the tax applicable for each product. These include Excise, Custom, and Value Added Tax (VAT) where applicable. www.kenyashippers.org
Finding Information on the Portal Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners Finding Information on the Portal The system has been designed with the Harmonized System (HS) code system which is an international standard for the classification of goods. The information on the portal is product specific where for every product it specifies the documents required, the laws applied, procedures to follow www.kenyashippers.org
Other ways of finding information include; Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners Other ways of finding information include; Through a search button; Allows the user to enter a product name or the HS code of the product. The HS code system categorization Product list; Displays all the products that are available in the system. www.kenyashippers.org
E-Portal Future Interventions Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners E-Portal Future Interventions Sensitization on National and Regional levels; This will involve a similar workshop within the region to raise awareness of the benefits of the portal to our members. www.kenyashippers.org
Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners 2. Ownership – We are asking for contribution towards the information that we currently have. We have dedicated an email address; eportal@kenyashippers.org. There is an FAQ section for each product, you can as well as post these queries in that section and we will respond to it. 3. Regular updates on the existing information; We have identified 20 additional value chains that will be identified and added to the system. www.kenyashippers.org
Contact the KSC Secretariat Vision: To Achieve Logistical Competiveness of Eastern Africa Cargo Owners Contact the KSC Secretariat 9 The Crescent, Off Parklands Road, Westlands Tel: +254 020 2684799/ 801, 3745456, 0733 888540 Email:info@kenyashippers.org; www.kenyashippers.org www.kenyashippers.org/e-portal www.kenyashippers.org