Creating an Apartment Feasibility Model For Asante @ Park Cities By Terry Asante
About the Author
Rental and Sales Revenue Summary
Maximum Debt Calculation
Development Costs
Estimating The Operating Reserve
Summary Analysis & Simple Ratios
Project Cost Analysis
Mortgage Calculations for Apartments & Retail
Mortgage Calculation for Apartments & Retail
Annual Cash Flows
Tax Loss Carry Forward Analysis
Sale Calculation of Apartments & Retail (including Tax)
For Sale Condominium Cash Flow Analysis
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis and Return Analysis
Internal Rate of Return Profile and Partition
Ratio Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
Cash Flows During the Development Period, including Initial Leasing Activities
Cash Flows During the Development Period, including Initial Leasing Activities Continued
Condominium Sales Schedule and Operating Income during Lease-Up Continued
Condominium Sales Schedule and Operating Income during Lease-Up Continued
Condominium Sales Schedule and Operating Income during Lease-Up
Construction Loan Account and Interest Calculation
Construction Loan Account and Interest Calculation Continued
Construction Loan Account and Interest Calculation Continued
Development Cost Summary
Combined Annual Before-and After Tax Cash Flows during Development and Operating Period
Annual Cash Flow with Tax Carry Forward Analysis
Sale Calculation of Apartments & Retail (Including Tax)
Discounted Cash Flow and Return Analysis