DISCOUNT TIRE SITE PLAN PLDRB Public Hearing on August 16, 2017
Location/Aerial Map Site is 0.98 +/- Acres Requesting Tier 1 Technical Site Plan Approval with Accompanying Alternative Landscape Plan Bob Evans Restaurant is to the west and Home Depot to the north Home Depot
Landscape Plan Tier 1 Technical Site Plans with Alternative Landscape Plans are Reviewed by staff and PLDRB
Alternative Landscape Betterment Plan Analysis Per LDC Sec. 11.03.01E. To be eligible for an Alternative Landscape Betterment Plan, the applicant must propose a landscape plan with at least the same qualify of required plants and the same amount of landscaped area, but in a revised location or design layout. The proposed project meets all of these criteria based on City Landscape Architect Bill Butler’s review. Essentially, the same amount and quality of landscape materials are being provided except 15’ of the required 25’ eastern buffer is being relocated to the east within the FDOT frontage area.
Alternative Landscape Betterment Plan Analysis Per LDC Sec. 11.03.01E. The Alternative Landscape Betterment Plan shall also provide at least two landscape hardscape features not otherwise required that are pedestrian friendly, such as fountains, benches or art work. The applicant is proposing two quality benches with one being located west of the SW corner of the building and one north of the NW corner of the building.
Alternative Landscape Betterment Plan Analysis Per LDC Sec. 11.03.01E. The Alternative Landscape Betterment Plan may be approved or conditionally approved by the PLDRB for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Technical Site Plans if the proposed changes will provide at least as much public benefit, screening from rights-of-way and adjacent properties, and aesthetic appeal as if the landscaping standards were strictly followed. Planning staff’s review has determined the alternative plan will meet these criteria and will also provide some additional landscaping in the large ROW area which will help the City in providing a nice first impression of the City. City already has some landscaping here.
Site Plan Setbacks of: 20’ North 10’ Sides 25’ South are “OK” on plan Parking Required = 21 Spaces Provided = 22 Spaces Impervious Area 70% Maximum 64% Provided
Building Elevations Building 35’ high (maximum = 50’) Size = 7,373 sq. ft. Three service bays
Staff Analysis Based on LDC Chapter 2, Sec. 2.05.05 A. The proposed development must not be in conflict with or contrary to the public interest; The proposed tire store will be compatible with the variety of other uses developed west of I-95 near Palm Coast Parkway . B. The proposed development must be consistent with the provisions of the Land Development Code and the Comprehensive Plan; Staff found it will provide compact and contiguous development where public services are already available and discourage urban sprawl.
Staff Analysis Based on LDC Chapter 2, Sec. 2.05.05 C. The proposed development must not impose a significant financial liability or hardship for the City; All essential services are already available for this infill site and the applicant will pay all applicable impact fees. D. The proposed development must not create an unreasonable hazard, or nuisance, or constitute a threat to the general health, welfare, or safety of the City’s inhabitants; The site is designated “Mixed Use” on the FLUM which allows a variety of higher intensity commercial uses. The closest residence is about ¼ mile to the NW.
Staff Analysis Based on LDC Chapter 2, Sec. 2.05.05 E. The proposed development must comply with all other applicable local, state and federal laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, or codes; The project meets the City’s LDC, Comprehensive Plan, and requirements of all other applicable agencies.
Recommendation Planning staff recommends the PLDRB conditionally approve a Tier 1 Technical Site Plan for Discount Tire that includes an Alternative Landscape Betterment Plan, Application # 3359:
Conditions of Approval The landscape installation and maintenance agreement between FDOT and the City shall be approved allowing the relocation of some of Discount Tire’s landscaping to be relocated to the east within the FDOT interchange area and the applicant shall pay the proper amount to the City for the costs of that landscaping/ irrigation including the cost of plantings, transportation to the site, and installation prior to final approval of site construction plans. 2. Applicant shall relocate the FPL transformer at the NE corner of their site so it meets FPL and City standards. 3. A detail for the two proposed quality park benches shall be submitted and approved by City Planning staff.
Presentation by Discount Tire Representatives