VERSION 15 DoDAF Vendor’s Day Session 22 July 2008


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Presentation transcript:

VERSION 15 DoDAF Vendor’s Day Session 22 July 2008 6/25/2018 00:02 DoDAF 2.0 Meta Model (DM2) Overview DoDAF Vendor’s Day Session 22 July 2008 Dave McDaniel DoDAF Senior Data Engineer

Briefing Outline DM2 and DoDAF Top-Level Diagram Development and Life-Cycle Methodology Data Groups Overviews

DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) Purposes: The vocabulary for description and discourse about DoDAF models (formerly “products”) and core process usage The basis for generation of the “physical” exchange specification for exchange of data between architecture tools and databases.

DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) Form: VOLUME I, DoDAF Conceptual Data Model (CDM) Core concepts, definitions (with examples, sources, aliases) Relationships (with some typing) VOLUME II, DoDAF Logical Data Model (LDM) The DoDAF Logical Data Model (LDM) is the Conceptual Data Model described in Volume I with attributes, specializations, and association reifications added VOLUME III, DoDAF Physical Exchange Model (PES) Physical Data Exchange Model is the Logical Data Model with general data types specified and implementation attributes (e.g., source, date) added and then generated as a set of XSD’s, one schema per product/view type described in Volume II.

Volume II Organization Vol II Perspectives Metamodel Data Groups Views  Metamodel Data Groups Capability Services Project Goals Rules Measures Location Doctrine Training / Skill / Education Performer Object Exchange / Flow Information & Data x.y.1 Data Diagram and definitions from DM2 Discussion x.y.2 Method x.y.3 Usage in Core Processes x.y.4 Presentation

Data Groups The “groups” are clusters of semantically related concepts Performer. Things that perform activities such as service performers, systems, personnel, and organizations. Object Exchange / Flow. The interaction between performers that is both temporal and results in the flow or exchange of objects such as information, data, materiel, and even other performers. Information and Data. Representations (descriptions) of things of interest and necessary for the conduct of activities. Doctrine. (TBS in Spiral 4). Training / Skill / Education. (TBS in Spiral 4) Capability. Models the need to perform a set of activities under certain conditions and standards to achieve desired effects and the way in which those needs are satisfied (or satisfiable.) Services. Business and software services, what they do for what effects, by what measures and rules, how they are described for discovery and use, and how and where they can be accomplished. Project. All forms of planned activities that are responsive to visions, goals, and objectives that aim to change the state of some situation. Goals. How goals, visions, objectives, and effects relate and bear on architectures. Rules. How rules, standards, agreements, constraints, and related and are relevant to architectures. Measures. All form of measures (metrics) applicable to architectures including needs satisfaction, performance, interoperability, organizational, and resources. Location. All forms of locations including points, lines, areas, volumes, regions, installations, facilities, and addresses including electronic addresses (e.g., URL’s) and physical (e.g., postal.)

In Section 3 of DoDAF Vol II Data Groups Relate to DoDAF Perspectives, Views, Core Processes, and Models (formerly Products) In Section 3 of DoDAF Vol II

The Elements of the Data Groups Map to DoDAF Models Three mappings: Concepts (Classes) Associations Class attributes In Section 4 of DoDAF Vol II

Top-Level Overview

Realization - implementation Federated Taxonomies and Ontologic Foundation (IDEAS) Visions Objectives Effects Goals Rules Metrics Capabilities Activities Metrics Effects Conditions Guidance Agreements Constraints Standards IA/Security Services Descriptions Ports & Channels Service Functions QoS Metrics Service Policies Service Contracts Performance Needs Satisfaction Organizational Maintainability Adaptability Projects Activities Cost / Schedule / Metrics Organizations / Performers Realization - implementation Performers Flows Personnel Materiel Information & Data Materiel Performers Temporal Service System Organization Environmental Socio-political Military Conditions Activities Functions Processes Tasks Locations Points / Areas / Volumes Regions Real Property Facilities Addresses Parts, types, temporal parts, states, overlaps

Modeling Methodology

Top-Down / Bottom-Up Development DoDAF 2.0: Conceptual Data Model (Vol I) Logical Data Model (Vol II) Physical Exchange Model (Vol III) Existing / Emerging Schema, Models, and Databases Data Model Development COI1 COIn COI Coordination PPBE Process Information Requirements JCIDS Process Information Requirements Ops Planning Process Information Requirements SE Process Information Requirements DoD Core Process Information Requirements Collection UCORE DAS Process Information Requirements CPfm Process Information Requirements

Sources Models CADM 1.5 IDEAS UPDM BMM Hay/Zachman ASM CRIS Conceptual CADM in DoDAF 1.0 / prototype CADM 2.0 M3 NAF Meta Model DoI Meta Model JC3IEDM GML UCORE 1.1 GEIA 927 AP233 SUMO and ISO 15926 (via IDEAS) FEA Reference Models JFCOM JACAE Definitions IEEE ISO W3C OMG EIA DODD & DODI JCS Pubs, especially CJCSI's Models in the Source_Candidates_071115.ppt DoDAF Other frameworks: Zachman, MODAF, TOGAF, NAF, ... FEA BMM Worknet Wikipedia English dictionaries DoDAF Glossary On the left are the model sources we considered to date; on the right, additional sources for definitions. Note that as a result of the Ops Planning workshop at JFCOM last week, we now can add JACAE as source. That metadata is being parsed into the spreadsheet this week. Note also, that we considered sereral non-AF sources, e.g., JCS Pub 1-02, the DoD Dictionary of Military Terms, and English dictionaries.

Modeling Principles Model Core Process (PPBE, DAS, JCIDS, CPM, SE, Ops) business objects Terms enter model through thorough semantic research: Assignment to a researcher Collection of authoritative definitions, documenting source Assessment of redundant (alias) or composite terms Formulation / selection of definition based on authoritative definitions Examples Outbrief to team Recording of research and decision rationale No need to distinguish / label concepts that differ only in level of aggregation – e.g., subfunction – function. Whole-part relationship covers the need without different names for different types of wholes and parts. When a user has need to label, the naming pattern accommodates. Typed Relationships, e.g., using IDEAS No commitment to an implementation type. Support RDBMS, XSD, Java, etc. from core model Goal is a core that can be extended by user communities, not to try to cover all user detail. Extenders should be careful to not create redundant representations. Model will enter a CM process

Definitions and Aliases Record

Definitions and Aliases Record

Model Walkthru

Foundation Ontology All the DoDAF 2 domain concepts are founded on a mathematically-based foundation “Individuals” that have 4D extent “Types” – basically sets of Things “Tuples” – ordered relationships between Things Rigorously worked-out common patterns are reused Saved a lot of repetitive work – “ontologic free lunch” Result is higher quality and consistent throughout


Doctrine Training / Skill / Education TBD






Overall Map of DoDAF Metamodel

DoDAF 2 Vol II and the Meta Model 1.0 - Introduction 1.1 - Perspectives 1.1.1 - Requirements 1.1.2 - Solution 1.1.3 - Resource 1.2 - Operational 1.3 - Technology 2.0 - Data Groups 2.1 - Performer 2.1.0 - Introductory Paragraph 2.1.1 - Data 2.1.2 - Method 2.1.3 - Use 2.1.4 - Presentation 2.2 - Object Exchange / Flow 2.3 - Data & Information 2.4 - Doctrine 2.5 - Training / Skill / Education 2.6 - Capability 2.7 - Services 2.8 - Project 2.9 - Goals 2.10 - Rules 2.11 - Measures 2.12 - Location 3.0 - Views 3.1 - Operational 3.2 - Capability 3.3 - Data & Information 3.4 - Service-Oriented 3.5 - Systems Engineering 3.6 - Standards 3.7 - Project 3.8 - Services 3.9 – Systems Appendices Acronyms Glossary DoDAF Meta Model DoDAF 1.5 Product Cross Reference

DoDAF v2.0 Spiral Approach VERSION 15 6/25/2018 00:02 DoDAF v2.0 Spiral Approach 100% of all Requirements Spiral IV 10% of all Requirements Spiral I 35% of all Requirements Spiral II 70% of all Requirements Spiral III Draft Conceptual Model Draft DoDAF Outline Volumes I –II Initial Write-ups Final Deliverable Volumes I – III Journal 12 Sep 08 18 Jan 08 We are about 50% done? Spiral 3 Volumes I – II Updates Conceptual Model Fit for Purpose Concept Customer Requirements DoDAF Structure Enterprise Architecture Volume I – III Updates Exchange Specification Conceptual and Logical Data Model Updates New Potential Views Journal Layout XX Jun 08 4 Apr 08 33 33

DoDAF 2.0 Outline: Volumes 1, 2, & 3 VERSION 15 6/25/2018 00:02 DoDAF 2.0 Outline: Volumes 1, 2, & 3 Volume III: DoDAF Metamodel Executive Summary Introduction Exchange Specification Volume II: Architecture Data and Views Metamodel Data Groups Performer Object Exchange / Flow Data and Information Doctrine Training/Skill/Education Capability Services Project Goals Rules Measures Location Views Appendices Acronyms DoDAF Metamodel Data Dictionary & Glossary Legacy Products Volume I: Introduction, Overview, and Concepts Vision for DoDAF 2.0 Framework & Journal Overview Enterprise Architectures Scoping Architecture to be “Fit for Purpose” Customer Requirements Methodologies Architecture Presentations DoDAF Data Model Architecture Planning Analytics DoDAF Configuration Management DoDAF Journal Minor Releases/Updates Best Practices Errata Sheets Reference Library Templates & Examples Collaboration Topics Red Font – Spiral IV Deliverables 35 35

Definitions and Aliases Record

Definitions and Aliases Record

Big-Four Reuse Patterns Super/Sub Type, e.g., F-15 is type of Fighter Whole Part, e.g., AEGIS radar is part-of the AEGIS ship Interface Type, e.g., Asset data collection activities produce data for audit reporting Temporal Type, e.g., The collection task takes place before the posting and exploitation tasks

IDEAS Foundation Linkage to DoDAF Domain