‘How to Meet Compliance’ Domiciliary Care Framework Tender 4th and 6th April 2017 WELCOME Tracy Gagetta and Simon Billingham
Section 1 – General Information Main points to consider This section explains how the Invitation to Tender process works and expectations of completion of documentation and contract The framework does not include the main/master provider tender. That tender will be released at a later date Any packages provided under the framework arrangements will stay in place until such time as they come to their “natural end”; however, if a Provider does not apply or fails the tender process, the package will have to be changed as a Direct Payment or handed back to SBC for reallocation This is a multi-supplier framework for an initial period of 2-years with the possibility of extension for a further 2 years on an annual basis NOTIFICATION OF INTENT – SBC should be notified before 7th April 2017 if a Provider intends to apply via the Contracts Team or the South West Portal
….continued – Section 1 QUESTIONS TENDER CLARIFICATIONS – deadline 18th April at noon and must be submitted in email format to the contracts@swindon.gov.uk All clarifications will be answered on a spreadsheet and uploaded regularly for all Providers on the South West Portal Tenderers must answer all questions requested in the Invitation to Tender. Failure to answer all questions may lead to an automatic FAIL Deadline to apply is Friday 28th April 2017 at noon and tenders will not be considered if it is received at the specified SBC premises after this date Supporting documentation will be requested during the ‘Preferred bidder stage’ from 9th-15th May. We advise that Tenderers provide this information via email or USB ASAP once request as been received All evaluation questions must be answered as stipulated in the ITT or answered less than 500 words for the Technical & Professional Ability QUESTIONS
Section 2 – General conditions of Contract This section is the Terms and Conditions of the contract set out by SBC are listed in the following Parts: General Provisions Provision of Services Payment and Price Statutory Obligations, Codes of Practice and Regulations 5. Protection of Information 6. Control of the Agreement 7. Liabilities 8. Default, Disruption and Termination 9. Best Value Duty 10. Disputes Resolution and Law
Section 3 - Background Discusses the background of Swindon borough The Authority’s vision for growth and increased prosperity Our priorities for housing, education, the environment, our people and those most vulnerable The overall population of Swindon is forecast to rise to around 250,000 by 2030 Current population is 215,000 people in 2014. 32,900 people were aged 65 years or more (14.2%), including 15,500 0 aged 75 years or more (6.8%).
Section 4 - Supplier Selection Questionnaire 1 Supplier Information All company details to be completed Where there are Yes/No questions, place an X next to the answer List any Consortium details, if applicable, where needed Include any additional information requested in the 1.4 Licensing and Registration
…continued – Section 4 2 - Grounds for mandatory exclusion All questions to be answered with Yes or No Yes to any question is this section is an automatic exclusion from the framework 2.2 – Non payment of taxes If you have answered “yes” on the non-payment of taxes or social security contributions, and have not paid or entered into a binding arrangement to pay the full amount, you may still avoid exclusion if only minor tax or social security contributions are unpaid or if you have not yet had time to fulfil your obligations since learning of the exact amount due. If your organisation is in that position please provide details using a separate Appendix. You may contact the authority for advice before completing this form.
…continued – Section 4 3 Grounds for discretionary exclusion – Part 1 Public Contract Regulations Bankruptcy Professional misconduct Aggressive market shaping with another provider Conflict of interest Distortion of competition Early termination of similar contract Serious misrepresentation and misleading information Unfair advantage in tender process 3 Grounds for discretionary exclusion – Part 1 This section applies to various areas regarding conduct and professional integrity A Yes answer to any of the following may lead to an exclusion
…continued – Section 4 4 Grounds for discretionary exclusion – Part 2 Not Applicable for this tender 5 Economic and Financial Standing An X to be placed next to the documents you will be submitted during the Preferred Bidder stage Choose one submission for this area 6 Technical and Professional Ability Provide details of at least one contract, from either the public or private sector, that is relevant to the authority’s requirement for the past two years. If you cannot, this is not an automatic exclusion. Consideration for new start-ups will be considered
…continued 7 Pricing 8 Additional Questionnaire Modules This is a basic Yes/No question regarding whether you agree to the set hourly rate of £17.40 8 Additional Questionnaire Modules This questionnaire section has 5 questions to be answered under 500 words each and will be marked on a scale of 0-5, with a pass score of 3 and over required for every question to be eligible for the framework B, C, D, E and F are self certifying questions and will be required to provide evidence of this if they are successful at contract award stage
Section 5 – Specification Background & Framework for physical support, memory & cognition, sensory support and mental health, learning disability Annual Budget = £8.65m Outcomes Based Commissioning Contract Monitoring Service Description Delivery requirements Additional requirements Dementia End of life Service availability Support plans Records Geographical scope KPI’s, data recording and compliance checklist
Appendix A, B and C Certificate of Bona Fide Tender Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) Exemption Form Form of Tender Provider to complete, sign, date and submit with tender application.