Malcolm X vs Martin Luther King Jr. Emil Ekanayake Tony Campos Saahil Shah Brandon Rudney Michael Seabury
Background In the 1960’s segregation was at its highest. African Americans tried to find a way to obtain equal rights and end the unfair treatment They looked towards civil rights leaders who had different ideas on how to end segregation.
Malcolm X Malcolm X was a popular civil rights leader. His idea was to separate. He saw that Blacks and whites could not coexist, so he asked why should we be together? He was ok with using violence to obtain this. African Americans were under attack, so they had to stand up and face the problem in his mind.
Martin Luther King Jr. MLK Jr. had the same goal of ending segregation, but with much different tactics. He believed that Blacks and Whites had to come together, and that equal rights should be obtained nonviolently. Everyone had to come together to defeat segregation.
Outcomes Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965. His message was popular, but he died before it could become very effective.
Outcomes (Cont...) MLK Jr. was assassinated in 1968, but his message was very successful and brought change. Segregation was ended because of his work.
Opinion I believe that MLK Jr. had the better philosophy. Besides the fact that his philosophy succeeded, his tactics worked better. Nonviolence was much more effective than violence. Also, I believe that separation would lead to more misunderstandings and hostilities.